
Basically Neil is saying Roger never hit on him so of course it must not be true.

I’m starting to think it is more the Police UNIONS than the actual members that are causing all of this crap. In general I am in favor of unions but the more I hear about police and prison guard unions the more I am against them. This just came out about the San Francisco Police unions. http://audio.californiareport.or

Yet, the Duggars are still on TV. Funny how that works huh?

Showing white people a mirror of their behavior is not racism. It might not make you feel warm and fuzzy but it’s not racism. If you don’t like the mirror then fix the behavior.

Whatever they do with my appendix when they remove it.

“. . .and for the rights of citizens to determine appropriate medical safety standards and procedures through their elected representatives.”

Yes that makes it weirder for me too. Like Mom is going to search for her dream son-in-law for her now dead daughter.

No mention anywhere of who will be Dad. Are they just going to get some rando sperm from a bank or is “grandma” also going to seek out her dream son-in law for her now dead daughter? This story is all sorts of creeps to me. In saving your eggs in your 20's it would be logical that you doing that in hopes of raising a

It feels more like the mom wanting a grandchild regardless of reality.

That is part of keeping you dumb so that you fall for their BS.

My skin is very sensitive it does not feel good in jeans to be bare and it itches so much when it grows back. #teamhair

Yep. THis is why pro-lifers birthers also support home school and HATE sex ed. They want to keep you dumb becasue once you know how it works you can’t fall for their BS.

Shit like this makes me want to walk into a crisis pregnancy center and tell them I would beat my baby daily until it shut the hell up so tell me how I can get an abortion to end this unholy union.

I don’t understand. Is the shirt / dress REQUIRED clothing?

I was going to say your cat is a jerk like most cats but I am going to go to the peace side of my brain and say: Your cat was brought into your life to help end your under the bed anxiety. Look under there, I’ll bet the scariest thing is a giant dust bunny.

I’m guessing you don’t have pets becasue that is where they like to hide.

Old person here: I remember when the “ I ain’t fraid of no ghosts” song came out with the first movie and I thought. “What a horrible crappy song.” We were alllllll singing it by the end of the Summer tho . . .

Yeah I’ll bet that waiter was also very articulate.

Yes, this: “And he did all this with a rhythm like a dancer with a satisfied smile on his face. And I couldn’t take my eyes off him.” Was he also shucking and jiving? Sounds like a minstrel show over there.

Arms up pose makes you look thinner.