
And how does giving birth to a child you do not want lift you out of abject poverty?

They need more bodies in their for-profit prisons.

Once again Jezebel is WRONG. Weddings are fun (if you’re not in the wedding party, that’s a whole different article) You buy a gift and you get to see people you care about get hitched then you get drunk and party!

Yes, not a joy, I prefer sleep.

Maternity wear from 1972

Thank you!

First, of course, her advance team bought seven 10 packs of tokens to distribute to each other and to members of the press.

No Dale, No., that is the nastiest sandwich I have ever seen. I’d eat that ”cake” that looks like a breast implant before I ate a banana on WHITE FUCKING BREAD with nasty ass mayo. Also, driving is not a sport.

Are you sure they don’t taste like bags of sand?

What am I looking at here???

Hmmm the ones you link to as cute I would call capri pants. Oh, fashion!

Just checked out her husband’s FB posting . . .Geck., She has horrible taste in men, but she is a Godly woman so there is that.

All the stars!!!!

Yikes! I’ll never look at a cheese-head the same way again.

On craigslist you don’t even have to ask; just a post saying: I am a woman . . .blah blah blah

Why is God in that pledge? Seems out of place to me.

Yes, multiple times this has happened to me. What pisses me off is they usually think they won becasue they chased away a thief instead of losing becasue they chased away a sale.

Yep. 100% I was accused of shoplifting as a child and I will never let that happen again. Returning items to a store is always crazy making. I usually have the object IN THE STORE BAG with the receipt in my hand. I’ll talk to the first employee I see as I walk in the door and tell them the reason for my visit. I am

Seriously came here to say the same thing. Not surprised. I’ll be surprised when the opposite is true.

Exactly you are only a fool if you fall for it on April 1. No fools any other day.