Jane Geary

Haha hold on you're judging ancient societies by what you know today? Why don't you call them stupid for not having iphones too.

Sexism is a function of our present reality, what is sexist now was not so in medieval societies. Considering he started this series in 1977, the entire concept of sexism has undergone a dozen evolutions since then.

I don't think Bink's viewpoint has ever been presented in real life. As for agreeing with what the character thinks, this is an effect every protagonist has. I'll state again - I don't think you have enough experience with protagonists you disagree with.

The narrative supports bink because he's the main character, this is
how simplistic fantasy storylines work. The main character grew up in a
near stone-age environment of stereotype based magic, do you seriously
expect him to be enlightened? This can't be the first book you read
where you didn't

Really? Author of article is surprised a pre-technological civilization that survives on perception/stereotype/pun based magic is not enlightened and is in fact juvenile.
"Ruh roh!"
"What's that Rover? Everyone knew that already? The premise of the books is based on it? Ohhhhh daaaaaammmnnn."
Article author should give