
Bought a hydration belt, reg. price $50 for $15 today. Am currently training for two half marathons, and doing ~10 miles at this point in the summer with no water available...sucks.

Like others, this letter rings false to me. Not because of the situation—my grandfather died on Thanksgiving Day 2013 and despite my having taken only 3 vacation days to that point, my boss made me come in the next day because too many people had already requested Black Friday off and we needed coverage, so I know

I’ll fully admit I’m not a social butterfly, but I’ve “only” been invited to maybe a half-dozen friends’ weddings since graduating from college in 2008 (and been a bridesmaid in one), and they were all really, really fun. Okay, the bridesmaiding was expensive, but I think that’s always been the case. They’ve all been