
First post-DNC polls show that he’s now behind. By 15 points. He’s going to get curb-stomped, in the debates, in the election, in everything. Poor little pussy Trump.

Ding ding ding. I dated one of those and the similarities between him and Trump are chilling. When I found hard, written out evidence that he cheated, he kept denying it and saying I was so “psycho” that I couldn’t process information correctly.

Yeah those stories are really telling because he reverts to some emotionally stunted 10 year old when he really gets called out because you are not playing the game his way.

He’s a true sociopath. He lies about things he doesn’t have to lie about. He could have kept spinning out the nonsense that Hillary Clinton controls the debate schedule and his dim-witted followers would have believed him. Why add on a statement that could be so easily checked? By the way, I really, truly wish Hillary

I’ll go further than that, I believe he’s a malignant narcissist (or narcissistic sociopath), and that malignant narcissists increasingly seem to occupy many [if not most] of the top positions within the GOP. Birds of a feather...

It’s more chronic bullshit than pathogical lies:

Can you take odds on him having a TOTAL and COMPLETE nervous breakdown in the next month anywhere? I can’t see him lasting much longer.

His followers pathologically hang on to false premises...and he’s their dealer

“He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a slimy con man.”

When has he EVER suffered a consequence for his lies, tho? Never. So he’s just bullshitting. No big deal, really. Anyhoo, who wants to have dinner at Sixteen in the Trump Tower? He could set that up. Best chef ever. He stole that chef from a 8 Michelin starred restaurant in Paris. He’s YUGE! After dinner, you can tour

But it is pathological if you believe in one thing at one moment and then its total opposite a moment later when the only thing that has changed are the hands of a clock.

I’m starting* to think Trump is a pathological liar. He constantly lies about trivial things, his lies are instantly and easily exposed, yet he continues on as if nothing happened. Take for instance all the supposed speakers at the convention. Right after he says Big Ben and Tebow will be there, it’s immediately shot

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

I’ll take Wall Street, all day, every day, straight to the house, over the racist, no policy having demogogue thank you very much. He is literally everything wrong with this country, made flesh. You can hate Hillary all you want, but there is no way, unless you are a racist Duck Dynasty whitey hick from the sticks

On a related note, I just spent some time investigating whether I’d be eligible for German citizenship based on having a German-born grandparent (not a chance- I knew it was a reach). I then paused to ponder the irony that it was to escape Hitler my great grandparents opted to pull up stakes and head stateside. And

I like how Tiffany is talking about what a great dad Trump is, yet the caption underneath reads “Grew up in Los Angeles, raised mostly by her Mom”

I watched Christie’s speech last night and was just absolutely horrified at the witch hunt. Christie is butt-hurt because he didn’t get the VP nom so he’s trying to show up what could have been. The display of ignorance, hatred and pure stupidity was absolutely mindblowing. These people are very stupid, just very,

Every time they say some variation of “Hillary will say anything to win the presidency” my eyes roll reflexively into the back of my head. Not that the statement is necessarily wrong, but the only person more full of shit and transparent thirst for power and attention is the man they just nominated.

I firmly believe that we are watching the rise of the American Fascist Party in real time. Sinclair Lewis was only partially correct. Fascism is coming to America and it’s got orange hair and promises to Make America Great Again (tm).

Unfortunately I suspect President Clinton will face even more vitriol and hatred than President Obama did. Just as the level of racism in this country skyrocketed with the election of the first black president, the level of sexism will do the same with the election of the first woman president. I really hope I am