
I'm shocked that Jimmy with the High School diploma making 14 an hour isn't all that interested in helping someone.

This video is amazing. The dude has the balls to keep going with the class and tries to bring out another gun.

Accident my arse.

If you are a cop participating in a gun safety exercise, you’d think you’d be able to follow those basic rules.

An accident waiting to happen?

There are Four Rules of Gun Safety. If these are followed, everybody stays safe.

Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.

“Live Gun Demonstration”

Who the fuck didn’t clear their weapon for a demonstration? Or did they think using live rounds during one was a good idea?

It’s like these idiots are ashamed of being called racists and want to warp the meaning of racism into political correctness. Sorry Clint, when your nostalgic generation you’re referring to existed, people were more outwardly racist, considerably more discrimination took place and cops didn’t have to worry about

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

I hate the audiences. It reminds me of watching a bad 90s sitcom.

The problem with this is that there are actually few people more qualified than her, and with political qualifications come baggage.

LOL, no, he won’t. Not even a snowball’s chance in hell he meets Romney’s state wins, let alone flips more states. But you have 3 months to get over your denial of what an embarrassing disaster the GOP has nominated. I think the next steps are anger, bargaining, depression then acceptance. You might want to stock up

You have to see the Trump Fans on twitter, they are treating it like he has made a masterstroke, getting people to believe his lies is some kind of strategy to them. It’s the 29% who supported Dubya to the bitter end all over again.

Ding ding ding. I dated one of those and the similarities between him and Trump are chilling. When I found hard, written out evidence that he cheated, he kept denying it and saying I was so “psycho” that I couldn’t process information correctly.

Yeah those stories are really telling because he reverts to some emotionally stunted 10 year old when he really gets called out because you are not playing the game his way.

I’ll go further than that, I believe he’s a malignant narcissist (or narcissistic sociopath), and that malignant narcissists increasingly seem to occupy many [if not most] of the top positions within the GOP. Birds of a feather...

It’s more chronic bullshit than pathogical lies:

Can you take odds on him having a TOTAL and COMPLETE nervous breakdown in the next month anywhere? I can’t see him lasting much longer.