
I posted this comment last night about the sad death of British Member of Parliament Jo Cox, who was murdered on Thursday by a guy who apparently disagreed with her stance on Brexit. I’m going to repeat it because I think it speaks directly to this alopecian Skeletor of a man:

Is your right to have an AR-15 really worth 26 dead children? At some point, enough is enough. Your right to own whatever gun you want shouldn’t come at that steep a price for everyone else.

That’s the pivotal insanity of this- beyond, you know, psychos blowing everybody’s brains out whenever they feel like it. The fucking amendment doesn’t even say what people say it does!

Not to mention that if they take up arms against their own government they are probably very fucked because the government has weapons the average person couldn’t even dream of owning. And, of course, if you take up weapons against the government and lose (likely) it doesn’t matter whether or not you were in the right

I mean, the idea that we should read away the prefatory clause is ridiculous.

Please marry me, this is EXACTLY EVERYTHING.

It’s the same group of people who are backing a fascist cheeto who are worried about keeping their guns just in case they need to rise up to fight a fascist government that they elected. I think I need to sit down now.

The sad part is that I only recognize half of those dudes which means we’re so used to mass killings at this point that you gotta knock off at least a dozen before you become a household name.

and we have a well regulated militia. its called the fucking national guard so like this second amendment average citizen thing has never made sense to me. THE OPENING LINE IS ABOUT A MILITIA. If you have a weapon of war with zero regulation, and you aren’t in a militia. It. Doesn’t. Cover. You.

What the 2nd Amendment didn’t have in mind when it stated ‘A well regulated militia’.

Gun education and awareness is not going to stop someone from using a weapon to kill another person. As a supporter of private gun ownership I do think we need stricter gun laws. The background checks need to also include a mental health screening. There is no perfect answer as those who don’t have access to guns will

You think the shooter doesn’t have any gun education and awareness? Or, if they had more gun education and awareness, they wouldn’t have killed anyone?

If people were really educated about the risk/reward factors of widespread gun ownership we would be banning (or very heavily restricting) gun ownership.

Yes, if we educate people with mental issues how to use guns better, they wouldn’t commit mass shootings.

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

And even though he is “allegedly” worth $10 billion, he won’t kick in the other $400k to make the $6 million total - because he’s so giving already when it comes to charity, of course.

From what I've read of Trump's business dealings, he rarely pays up until the public and/or legal pressure becomes big enough. So why be any different when it comes to charity? He's the candidate of consistency!

But do you really believe anyone in the Trump camp vetted any of these charities? One of them, the Foundation for American Veterans, which received $75,000, has an F from the Better Business Bureau. It spends the majority of its money on professional fundraising companies.

“Instead of being like, ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,’ or ‘Trump did a good job,’ everyone’s saying, ‘Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?’ And you make me look very bad,”

“We will now hear suggestions for the disbursement of the $2 million.”