Here are some downsides:
Here are some downsides:
Oh no, no, no.... Why does she need to give Berns a freebie when he is out of cash? She has already won the nomination. There is no need for another debate. Berns is a very bad loser.
Fffff. If Trump were something stuck on my shoe I’d burn the shoe. And maybe my foot.
Make all checks payable to the Blood Coming out of her Eyes and Wherever Classy Ladies Foundation.
Trump being an asshole is a given, but Bernie’s also an asshole for even considering this. It can only serve to hurt Clinton even further, and give Trump yet more publicity. Even if Bernie somehow did well (which I doubt, as simply repeating the same three talking points over and over didn’t help him against Clinton,…
“You know, like when the blood comes out of their wherevers. Those kinds of issues.”
Or this is secretly a genius plan to get all the ridiculousness together in one place and cull the field.
If we’re wishing (to put this in perspective, I am super cheap) I would pay $200 to see President Obama debate Donald Trump.
So... um... is no one else thinking about what might happen in a large arena of Trump supporters and Bernie supporters?
Donald Trump also claimed to raise $6million for veterans’ organizations earlier in his campaign. Number of dollars actually donate: $0. Number of dollars kept by Trump: All of them.
He dicksmacked all the repub’s into following his “narrative” and now he’s going to try and gobsmack the democratic narrative into all Trump, all the time.
Because she didn’t. Sanders proposed the debate. She never agreed to it. Bernie doesn’t get to have whatever he wants just by demanding it. That’s not how life works unless you are a toddler.
It’s like when he offered to donate money to a charity if Obama released his birth certificate. If you can afford to give your money away just do it.
“Tragically, nobody asked him which ones.”
it’s definitely one of those things that make me wonder if he actually has any long-term memory of continuity of self at all. Like, does he remember what he’s said once he’s said it? Or does he just say it and then poof it vanishes forever into the mists of time?
Wow is no one else seriously troubled by this? Sorry Bernie but this whole campaign looks like it’s becoming a sad ego trip. And him and Donald debating would be just be for their own egos. It’s pretty messed up that the only woman currently running for president actually EARNED her nomination by getting the most…
YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE. If you want 10 million donated to charity just fucking do it and debate for free you despicable windbag.
The phrase “women’s health issues or something” makes me want to kick him right in his shriveled dick or something.
Make Or Something Great Again.