
Yeah I can’t tell you how often i have been startled awake from a deep sleep, wondering out loud “how does Rob Schneider feel about this?”

Are you fucking serious? Read it until you get it, idiot. You’re literally the only one confused.

You’re upset about a comment you’re misinterpreting. Apparently deliberately, as it’s been explained already. The reality is “death threats” as an explanation has become a PR trope, and it’s perfectly reasonable to wonder if this isn’t an attempt to avoid controversy on both fronts. Whether there was an increase in

alright. let’s recap here: you said you were ‘interested’ to know if someone would actually try to kill this woman.

It’s generally poor form to make false claims about what someone said when others can easily scroll up and see that’s not the cause. This is a very dishonest framing.

My job is to detect and block spam on the internet and I get death threats all the time. I still don’t get how you go from “What? I can’t send email? Watch out, I’m gonna find where you live and kill you.” It’s email, dude. You’ll live.  

I guess you really were born yesterday, you poor, dizzy, delicate thing. Here, here’s a bag to hyperventilate your feelings in to for unconfirmed death threats allegedly doled to American theater actress and singer Jennifer Holliday.

Yeah, that was what I was trying to convey. Everyone and their momma when they get caught in a controvesy, now, screams “I’m receiving death threats!” It’s largely a red herring. Kellyanne Conway did this shit during the campaign.

I think it’s reasonable to assume there was an increase, given the emotion surrounding Trump, though whether it was statistically significant? -shrug-.

I offered a sober assessment of the situation - which is admittedly sort of atypical for this kind of thing - when you expected everyone to respond and toe a line in the emotional way society expects everyone to respond to such a claim of threats. You wanted me to put on emotional kabuki, I gave you something else,

I’m sorry you feel that way. Rest assured, your concern has been duly noted and appreciated.

That sounds like a decent take away to me.

My takeaway is that I’m interested in seeing how many of these threats are actionable threats, and how many are the threats one receivings simply from being on the internet and/or in the public eye, is this even an increase in the number of threats she gets on any given day.

I’ve received death threats in person for being my damn self. It’s pretty sad that it’s the new normal, but yeah, she doesn’t exactly engender shock from me.

I can not understand how people don’t understand how she’s getting death threats. This has always been so, but the sense the rise of the internet, you literally don’t have to do anything to get death threats. Hell, I’ve gotten death threats and I’m not famous.

I’m calling my period the Scarlet Harvest from now on.

My last one was from late July to the middle of August - thanks, continuous birth control! It was unexpected, went on for two weeks, and somehow I got blood on my bathroom wall. Which I honestly found impressive.

Take that back! The honey badger is a glorious animal with much better PR instincts than the short-fingered crybaby.

“Always a complete hit job”

Every so often I’ll remember that he’s going to be POTUS and it takes all my self control not to go on a sweary rant. And I’m not even American, I can’t even imagine how bad it is for you guys.