Sweet Christmas!
Sweet Christmas!
When Donald says that the press reporting bad things about him is “like Nazi Germany”, he appears to be casting himself as Hitler. Hero of the people, slandered by dishonest press and elites? Yep, Donald’s calling himself Hitler now.
He is a fullblown lunatic. On twitter, Ashley Feinberg is doing a fantastic job of describing the space between the first tweet about Brennan’s statement and the second tweet. Something like 13 minutes...to complete one thought. This would mean on average he spends like an hour and change crafting 5 tweets.
We’re all gonna die.
much of what’s wrong with america is fear of the other, fear of that which we do not understand.
I have so got to use this one with my husband. He hates when I talk about my period but sometimes I just have to share the sheer awfulness and hilarity of it.
I’m on microgestin and skip the period week and go straight to the next pack. I haven’t had a period in 5 months and it’s the greatest thing ever.
Luckily, it just ended. I’ve had many periods in my time, but nothing, NOTHING, will compare to starting it on election day ‘16. I’m surprised I didn’t bleed out or look down and see my uterus laying at my feet. It was beyond alarming and felt more like a complete physical reaction than a period.
I’m premenstrual but have been having the worst ovarian pain. It keeps coming in waves making me feel nauseous and fainty. Wondered if it’s something to do with the full moon last week (which certainly seems to have had an effect on people’s temperaments, based on some of the shite i’ve seen on social media last…
Nuns are 100
I’m a bit sensitive to increase in hormones and steroids but I got a really really bad allergy attack recently. My doctor put me on some strong steroids and ever since then, my period has been super weird. I broke out in cycstic acne for like two weeks straight. My period came super early, and then really late and…
I think it just gets worse until my name pops up on the laparoscopy waitlist. I’m told that wait is usually a year and a half where I live. Siiiigh.
I’m on ovulation bleeding because of probable endometriosis on my right ovary. Let’s just say that things aren’t fun.
OK, I guess I can accept that.
lmao well that could also be kinda sexy :D Enjoy your sexytimes... I was finally beginning to feel the awakenings of attraction to women because they are fucking awesome. You sound like you are having a blast :D
I love these threads... I wish I’d had access to these fifteen years ago :D. Last true period was 4 years ago, and starting 5+ years before that... Yes, continuous cramps and bleeding awesome! Mega super tampons plus big pads and change all those suckers once an hour or else. I didn’t know anyone else who could…
Oh my God I’M laughing my ass off at what you did. That is FABULOUS. You win all the stars!
I started mine yesterday, Friday the 13th. It’s a horror show, but that date doesn’t make it special; it always is.
Mine have been very mellow and coast along-y since I got on the Pill a gazillion years ago.
Wouldn’t that give him an easy scapegoat for low numbers?