
I’m pretty sure I have fibroids. It was like an exorcism.

Mine started today, three days early. So far I am dizzy, have cramps and a headache, but very little blood. Last month it came five days early...and it basically started during my GYN appointment. He did a transvaginal ultrasound and it seemed a bit bloodier than usual (I always spot after any internal anything).

Day 2 and lighter than normal for my perimenopausal, period every three weeks, paraguard-having self. I was going to get the IUD out to help with the heavy flow, but now that Trump’s elected I’m going to keep it in until I hit menopause.

Crazy, mine has been terrible this week too.

My last one was (I think) in early December. I had some light bleed a couple weeks ago, but not enough to use my menstrual cup, or even liners. I’m 52, so this is to be expected. I remember being a 13 and writing in my journal about hating my period and being really angry that it would be 30 or 40 years until all this

Mine’s due tomorrow, but the last one kind of sucked because I missed a few days of BC due to a remodeling project. I also have an ovarian cyst that can’t decide if it’s going to sit quietly or just tug at my insides for days on end so that’s not great. But I finally finished remodeling my bathroom so I have a nice

Cried this morning because there was a dead squirrel on the street on the way to breakfast. We passed it on the way back home and I cried again. Then I cried because the coffee was burnt. Then I almost pooped in my adorable new leggings on my walk with the dogs. So naturally I cried again. So going well, I think.

I tried to savor mine as it could well be my last. I am having surgery in just over a week to remove cysts and to remove and biopsy a suspicious mass from my ovaries. The ovary with the mass will be removed entirely and they are going to try an save the other but it may end up being a hysterectomy if they can not. Of

I went out dancing tonight and THE SECOND I stepped into the venue, my period showed up. Luckily if you dance really really hard so that all of your body hurts, it covers up the cramps but now I have stopped dancing and I am cramping like a son of a bumblebee.

Let me preface this by explaining that I typically have very rough periods with lots of cramping, heavy bleeding, back pain, and a hormonal roller coaster complete with period shits and severe brain fog.

Terrible. I always had a light period before, but now it is just a disgrace.

Get an IUD!!I bled sporatically at first and my sex drive plummeted for 2 months but my sex drive is back full force and I no longer have a period!!!! I just spot a tiny, pantyliner amount for maybe 2 days a month!!

You know what people don’t tell you about having a child? That your periods can change. I feel like I’m 13 all over again, trying to relearn what works for me. I stained a sheet last month for the first time in 20 years.

OMG are we synchronizing our cycles? :o

Speaking of periods, how long do you think it’ll be before some wingnut pulls a Ceausescu and tries to instigate mandatory period tracking?

I’m doing a continual use thing with my birth control so it’s been a looooong time. I’ve told all my girl friends because no one ever told me that it could be done long term until my gyno casually mentioned it. Doc told me there is no biological reason to have a period and that women’s endocrine systems experience no

loooool perfect timing. I had to pick up tampons today and hitched a ride to the grocery store with my step-dad and then proceeded to lecture him on the inferiority of the insertion devices of mini tampons versus the normal kind. (I’m talking about the kind where you have to pull out the plunger from the inside before

I’m just praying that my Mirena takes this time around. My last period felt far more like an angry Viking uterus than I like, but if this Mirena can just stay in, I’m golden.

Post partum bleeding bled into (sigh) bleeding from IUD insertion. So after I had baby, I bled continuously for 17 weeks. No periods since.

Usually “tiny murder in my pants” style, with some pain but manageable. I’m thinking of finally buying a diva cup.