
Other than Joseph Fiennes (because work is work) I don’t think anyone is happy about this portrayal either.

Indeed. I had to teach myself how to ‘do’ technology. These people only know how to USE it. Also had to show a class full of Freshman how to use the “Find” tool in their menus.

It’s we olds who invented this technology, after all.

Technology is cool, the jury’s still out on the near slave labor and environmental degradation caused by it’s consumption.

Might be a good move to stop alienating “old people.” There is a fair number represented here. In fact ya’ll might learn something NEW if Jez had a staff writer pushing 50 or (gasp!) having achieved or surpassed it.

You’re anti-pen? Really?

Also, whiteness is sort of nebulous as there’s no white culture. So...

After 2016, my money is on the next Democrat nominee being as white male as humanly possible.

You think attacks on Hillary were the reason people voted for Trump? Oookkkk...

Great. Perhaps the Democratic Party can use that as their campaign slogan moving forward, “We’re fucking terrible, but at least were not as bad as the other guys!”

Perhaps. But Clinton is a hawk who would take a very hardline against Russia and has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War).

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.

Have you met an eight year old? They love to annoy people.

Hey, how do you know if there is a vegan in the room? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

“I do wonder what kind of person moves to a place, spends a bunch of time demanding that that place change all of their traditions, then acts surprised when that place doesn’t want to naturalize them.”

I’m torn between my belief in freedom of expression and my sheer annoyance towards a certain type of vegan.

I’d approve her, but hide the paperwork in one cowbell in a herd, and wish her good luck finding it.

Vegan irritating, film at 11.

I absolutely understand and feel the same way for about 80% of my day. Let’s both hope to feel better.

Dude, it’s called the “Women’s March on Washington.” I didn’t even know men were invited. I hadn’t checked the Facebook group. I’m supportive of women’s issues, but I’m also aware that men getting involved with women’s groups, without being explicitly invited, is often seen (justifiably) as butting in.