
Even most white people can’t pull off looking like Jackson at the period, and he looked almost like a WASP.

*snicker* I almost choked on my pizza on that one! 😂😂

First he’s too smart for the briefings, then he can’t retain the info from said briefings. Which is it you orange asshole?

Towards the end he had stopped looking even Caucasian and looked like a caricature of an old Chinese woman. Someone Asian maybe?

You win.

No problem. Let’s do this again! :-)

Very well said.

You win.

Yep. Mother Jones ran this story in October (minus the Golden Showers part) and the story was ignored.

At first I thought you wrote “...food and water guns..” and ... nevermind.

And none of them would pass as Jackson at all. Most white people can’t pass as Jackson either.

God I can’t believe he is going to be gone. The last adult in Washington is trying to make us feel like America isn’t over.

By 2001 Michael jackson had much more in common physically with a white man than any black man due to all the surgeries...this seems like manufactured outrage

There’s no black person (really no person, full stop) who looks like late-stage Michael Jackson.

At least I ate early tonight and there’s nothing to come up.

Because everybody knows being black is only a matter of skin tone. This is infuriatingly racist and tone deaf. Also poorly executed.

When he died, Michael Jackson was trying to pull together a film in which he would star as Edgar Allen Poe (novelist, pedophile, and white person). Frankly, he’d love that a white actor is playing him.

[Redacted in favour of Jessamina’s far more cogent post]

Par for the course, as far as I’m concerned.

Natalie Portman is beautiful but is the most wooden actor of our time. I feel as though she could be made into an armoire.