If that’s on the law they’d vote on you can be damn well sure they won’t sign it.
If that’s on the law they’d vote on you can be damn well sure they won’t sign it.
I am so ready for this reboot!
That last bit, that was my suspicion.
In my experience, buttholes take a little bit more coaxing to enter. So the second you feel it press up against it and that’s not what you’re intending to engage in, especially as a virgin, there should be a big “hold up” moment. Now I understand mid-coital, vigorous thrusting/poor aim, accidental anal entry. But if…
That’s enough internet for today.
clearly a number of heterosexual people also do not understand this subject
I don’t think it could happen where it continued on but I’ve definitely had it happen accidentally where things slipped. But it’s very quickly been a “NOPE THATS MY BUTT STOP RIGHT THERE” thing that was rectified (heh) quickly.
i voted for remove me from this conversation, as i didnt want my experience to taint the discussion.
Maybe MAYBE it’s possible that you’re having drunk sex with your girlfriend and while your going at it normally on one of the thrusts your dick comes out and then hit her butt but you don’t know cuz you’re just chugging along and shit now she’s crying and ok it’s honey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I didn’t even know I…
Is it atypical for young women to participate in torturing people like this?
This awful, awful crime will be used to justify every racist thing over the next four years. And that’s why it’s even worse than it appears (and it’s fucking despicable).
Both, I’d say.
Were kids always this rotten, or are we just seeing it more because of social media?
Yeah, I’m sure this is all your doing. Good job jerking yourself off over other people’s tragedy. You’ve sure got the moral high ground here.
“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”
Call @SpeakerRyan now: 608-752-4050
Sorry, no. It’s entirely possible that there were multiple women involved. Especially if this was an alternative cover done on a short deadline or something. It SHOULD have been caught way early on, and it never, ever should have made it to print, but when the headline is about women and the thing is bright pink,…
Nah. I’m a woman and a graphic designer, and I’ve made this exact error before (granted, I was just working with icons that were easily switched out, thankfully, instead of a full-blown illustration like this, which is a lot harder to change). You can easily lose all perspective when you work closely on something like…
I tell the two symbols apart with a mnemonic device that associates the arrow pointing up with an erect penis. I know I’m not the only one who does this, at least I hope not.