God damn that looks just about perfect.
God damn that looks just about perfect.
Don’t forget to get a PO box to use as your address. Also use a disguise when you appear in person, and pay only in small bills. When you leave, circle a block on the way home to check if you are being followed.
Volodymyr Tsap is relieved.
Yeah because God forbid someone whowas previously behind you gets to their destination faster than you. Lane splitting eases congestion on the highway, you should be thanking motorcyclists for doing this. Of course this guy is an asshat, but not because he was splitting.
Too much work to just scroll on by, you lazy fuck?
Shout out to the stopping power of that Tahoe!
That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.
“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”
I am pleased to say that having survived this experience, our Alanis has graduated from freelance weekend editor to full-time staff writer. Join me in saying congrats! You’ll be seeing a lot more of her work and derring-do come mid-May.
People who brake on the highway.
Lights off when it’s raining. Even if the visibility doesn’t 100% necessitate it, if someone doesn’t abide by the “wipers on, lights on” rule they’re most likely a bad driver.
At least it was just a mattress. If anything bigger furniture wise, that accident would have been sofa king bad.
Cancelled my order - the R should be available in the 3 door configuration in the USA. End of story for me :-)
each and every one of them is a cry for help.
Im sorry VW, but as a current R32 owner, you lost me with the lack of a 2 door option in NA, your ONLY differentiator between the STI, RS and Civic. Not everyone is buying this car for their wife and 2 year old with a car seat. Good day to you. Not to mention I think the new mk7 GTI front bumper is levels ahead of the…
Giving a shit about cars is a real pain in the ass. I sometimes wish I was the kind of person who was just unapologetically boring and didn’t care. I’d drive a CR-V and park it on the street and not give a shit when people hit it, or it gets dirty, or cry when it rusts out because I live in upstate NY where every day…