
Look at the second guy. He also tosses something into the bushes right after they realized they were caught.

Don't they use special glasses on take offs and landings now?

Um, no. They didn’t take off to find laser pointing idiots. They were doing police stuff, then became victims of a federal crime.

I'm not gonna lie, I think the new Avalon is pretty nice.

Whoa, and I thought I was paranoid lol. I have a new GTI with only 650 miles on it. Those miles have been a mix of gentle and spirited driving, but nowhere near WOT. As I reach 1k, I’ll go closer to redline and full throttle.

I just saw an imported blue Skyline GT-R today in New Rochelle. Completely caught me by surprise.

I was going to say the GTI too. Since it has the dcc and nice interior, you see plenty of middle aged people who just want nicer Golf. There are 3 GTI’s in my neighborhood, but of those, I am the only one that’s male, young, and drives a manual.

I like Marquez, but it wouldn’t have bothered me if Lorenzo had won. Why? Because if Rossi wins the championship, we’ll be hearing about it from his followers for at least the next decade.

With those leggings, it took me some time to figure out which one was the girl.

Yea that's pretty much it. Only a certain crowd do that, and they're usually the ones to avoid.

I spent big money to retrofit my headlights with some sweet projectors. Definitely caught the attention of the bros with the plug in hid’s.

He does look so normal here. I like Dani though. He’ll go down as the best rider ever to not win a championship.

That's about as animated as I've ever seen Dani.

Land of the free. People are pathetic sometimes, I swear. HIS plane, HIS property, so STFU.

The Montero was pretty sweet. My dad had a ‘95, and we got 180k miles out of it. To this day, it’s the longest lasting car my parents have owned. It even survived me when I started driving.

As far as bikes go, keep one or none.

I've seen those rims before.

Nah, that 2.4 needs to go. Even if they tune it to 240hp, it will never have the torque it deserves. Turbocharged engines seems to be the direction Honda is going with for their next generation cars.

RIP. Sayonara

If I have to, sure. But I’m kind of hoping to be in a new car before the end of summer.