
This is nothing. Maximum Dadness is achieved at the Antonio Cromartie household every other weekend and the occasional holiday.

At least he died doing what he loved: ruining a soccer game for everyone else involved.

Americans reserve their gun tantrums for black kids with snacks, female gym attendees who won't date them, Sikhs, Japanese kids in Halloween costumes, blacks looking for help after a car accident, Democratic congresswomen, Colorado movie audiences and Connecticut schoolchildren. For some reason, pampered peckerwoods

"No mom, I'm not on drugs, I'm okay, I'm just thinking, you know? Why don't you get me a pepsi?"

She's specifically says that Americanizing her face was the goal of the surgery. You're wrong. Just sit there in your wrongness & be wrong.

You don't need a white asshole. You ARE a white asshole.

Well, if you ask many of my Saudi friends (oh, the joys of living in the migrant rich BC) you could be forgiven for thinking that, culturally, they are. Perhaps not as individuals, but as a culture... Iunno man.