
let me know when you get to the very next sentence

Lost Legacy REALLY worked for me, not just because it had two POC main leads, but a real threat of terrorism mixed in with the treasure finding to finance a coup on an unsuspecting city. I was ALWAYS impressed with the action set pieces, although the middle part roaming around one giant area took a lot longer than I

goddamn phone!

Hey, spoiler alert, some of us are a thousand years behind you. 

Cancer in general sucks, but pancreatic cancer suuuuuuuuuuuuucks, and this absolute fucking champion not only survived it for two years, not only did so in his late seventies, but kept doing what he loved until the end.

“Dance, monkeys! dance!” - corporate.

I’ve managed to avoid most everything about this game but damn, it straight up looks like playing through a Pixar film. I... kinda want a PS5 for it if it’s not releasing on PS4. Also, the screenshots Rich8606 posted melted my heart. The Resident Evil one especially. Something like this should not be this cute.

K: Here’s How We’ve Set Up Our PS5s

They did get rid of it a little while ago. It was a nightmare before the update as, like stated here, if you forgot to put a pet in stasis you’d likely loose them after a month or so of inactivity which /absolutely/ felt cruel, especially with the flavor text given.

It’s hard to speculate on exactly how this was achieved, there are many, many different optimization paths to reducing load times, but I strongly suspect why this was achieved is they want to demo this game running on PS5 with effectively 0 load time, and the raw performance improvements of the new architecture

Yep. It’s basically legal racketeering. They will copyright claim ANYTHING, even if they don’t actually own the rights to it, just to see if they can scare you enough to get money out of you. A lot of people don’t look into it so they get away with shit like you’re describing all the time.

It’s fucking atrocious and

There’s three core problems here.

Ah, the Rapid Live Service Death Spiral continues:

I slam corporations for. . . basically everything. Obscene salary and bonuses for executives, pitiful checks and benefits for the average worker, Tax shelters and writeoffs, handling of harassment and discrimination, crunch, price gouging and a lot more.

Now playing

Console startup splashes in general tend to sound amazing. They must get workshopped to hell and back.

Unfortunately, the Maine wedding has shown us that the people who bear the worst consequences may be those who had nothing to do with the original bad decision.

Oh boy. I could feel that boot chime reverberate through my body. Imagine hearing that with a full blown surround sound system.

Non-creative people are currently destroying the rain forest, trying to obstruct people’s voting rights, dumping waste into our oceans, and ensuring that insulin stays expensive because they value profit more than human lives.

So no, creative people are not more shitty than the people actively ruining society at large.

Speaking of errors, there are going to be a lot of pissed/confused people in 2-3 days when they get their Xbox “X”.
