
This was one of the first purchases that I made on Android (at $9.99 at the time, even) and it has been worth every penny. The developer listens to feedback and keeps making the app better and better. If you want to listen to podcasts on Android, you want DoggCatcher.

VOTE: vim

What does that say about taking some extra naptime on weekends? I know that on some weekend days I can take a 2-4 hour nap in the middle of the day, after my regular 8-10 hour full night's rest.

This would be infinitely better if you could add, remove and rearrange the time zone bars.

VOTE: Process Explorer

Two of my major problems with the android phones are hardware related.

The iceorb's main awesome isn't really the idea to keep your foods cold. That's kindof a bonus. I had one of these for about three weeks before it broke, but those three weeks were awesome. The steps for getting awesome out of an iceorb is:

Won't change anything for me, because I avoid eBay because of the required Paypal which then requires you to "upgrade" to their premier service to accept any payments from anyone on eBay. It's kindof dumb, and makes craigslist free giveaway better than ebay for items selling for less than $10 for me.

VOTE Remember the Milk

I've been using OpenID for a while now. The only issue that I have is that I don't like to tie my ID to some service that I'm not in control of (livejournal, some other site out there). I do like that you can delegate though, which is a good enough solution for me, as if one of my OpenID delegations dies, then I can

This is not very eco-friendly. Any time you have the chargers turned on, they'll be sucking vampire power trying to convert wall power to DC power even if your device isn't plugged in. You could have a master power switch or just unplug the whole box, but when you want to charge just one device, you'll still be

This looks cool, but doesn't seem practical to me at all. How exactly are you supposed to lay something to reference on that thing without it sliding off one of the three sides that have slopes on them?

Please, please, do not do this. email is not a HTML medium, it is a text medium. There are many many people out there who still use text-based clients to read email, and they will all be mystified by your signature. I can't tell you how annoyed I get by people who send html-only email.

My favorite service of this type is http://xrl.us - it successfully does what every other one of these does, except its about 6 characters shorter in the main part of the URL as well, making their shorter URLs just that much shorter. They also have bookmarklets you can use to quickly shorten URLs.

I have to chime in with the headphones tactic again - even in a huge cube-farm, it is amazing how many people will not bother you if you have headphones on. It is like a silent "I'm busy now, in the zone, go away unless it's really important". I would like to tout some of the gray or pink noise generators out there

It's a shame that none of these backgrounds really work that well for tiling, because almost all the computers I use have dual-monitors. I was kindof dissapointed to find out that the Vista backgrounds that everyone was saying were so great didn't include a single two-monitor sized background.

I did that for almost three years, paying $600/month in rent. It's really not that hard, if you can entertain yourself for cheap (I played computer games a lot) and don't go out to eat that much. You can even go out to a movie every month or so. However, I may be considered lucky because I have good health

Okay, I'm all for useful tools built into the OS and all, but who in their right mind wants to free-form snap a section of the screen? Is there anyone who has used this feature (other than to show off this feature)? If I want some fancy shape, I just edit the damn thing in Paint or Photoshop or Gimp later, it's

Also a very interesting way to get a free education: Harvard Law School bought an Island in Second Life and is holding a course this semester simultaneously in both. The Syllabus may interest. [via Joystiq]