Prop 65 warnings get as much attention as little boys crying “wolf”.
Prop 65 warnings get as much attention as little boys crying “wolf”.
Wasn’t it Django Unchained where one of the white actors felt really bad about saying that word until his black costar reassured him that it was necessary for the role?
And 74 during the day? My parents would’ve had a fit if we’d set it that low.
It’s also smaller than it looks and doesn’t hold much ice.
My brother owns a restaurant with a specialized menu. Sent him this and he says “We use them-sparingly now as it is a really bad service with no vetting of the employees. Can cause more problems than help most times”
Cinnabon’s smell is a lie. I bought too many of them before concluding that they never taste as good as they smell.
They had that for a while in the 70s, it was called “Snackin’ Cake”.
Instead of bonuses you get more stock grants while the stock price is dropping, and they say it’s to encourage you to work harder to make the stock price rise. Note to newbies: it is vanishingly unlikely that anything you do as part of your job will have any significant effect on the stock price.
Was Allen even a big star when the first movie came out? It wasn’t even meant for theaters originally, right?
It would’ve been an 80s movie, so animated like the One True Transformers.
You can have whatever toppings you want - unless what you want is more than 3 olive slices.
Corn Nuts. That was the weapon of choice in my high school, because they stick to your hair and you don’t realize until later. The fact that they’re too light for precision throwing didn’t seem to bother the combatants, so my waist-length hair ended up as collateral damage far too often.
There are a lot of websites that use Facebook commenting. Despite FB trying to make people use their wallet names, the comments tended to be the most toxic.
“Receive an SDK”
For about $9 I can get a single serving of these meals, or a close equivalent, in the “ready to cook” section of the deli in a metal actually recyclable tray (alas, the lid is still plastic). And I won’t have to clean any dishes.
My brother did that one summer in Texas. Constantly going between 100+ outside and extra-cold AC inside is not good for you.
2001, which is the last time I visited my mom in Texas (she comes out here to CA, I have better weather). She had Frosted Flakes, which I’d never eaten as a kid because flakes are boring adult things. Shows what I knew; it was unbearably sugary.
Chopped up fine then formed into a ring shape. The uniformity simplifies processing which fast food places love, but it’s not really an onion ring.
SNL Skit?
My dad took us kids back in the 80s - we’d have been between 12 and 16, two boys and a girl (me). Chicken wings weren’t really a thing outside of Buffalo yet. I assume the food was decent as I’d probably remember if it was bad.