
Back when I was in college and you couldn't walk through a mall without someone with a clipboard asking that question, I got offered a job by the clipboard dude instead of just doing the survey, and spent one day as an Annoying Mall Survey Questioner. Sat in the back with an ad and asked this high school dropout

And for the times when they are mission-critical, Mythbusters has covered how to break it.

I am not a number, and neither is my avatar.

You mean it's not a Stargate prequel?

Yeah, but years after Quark had rescued the concept of Ferengi from the jaw-droppingly stupid originals, the Nagus dragged everything back down - and in the middle of the serious and more interesting war arc, to boot.

Guest stars, fortunately: Amanda on Highlander and the Grand Nagus on DS9. There was one season when the two shows were on back to back, and I had no VCR. The presence of either of them made it easy to choose what to watch that night - until the night they were *both* on.

Or "lack of gut" feeling.

"There’s not any digging that happens when characters investigate on this show, they just wave their hands and stuff happens"

Only if ex cathedra is the Pope's Avatar State.

I liveblogged it when it came up on cable a while back: http://jamoche.dreamwidth.o…
"Gary Cooper just cannot give a speech about being proud to be a heartless bastard."

There has to be one movie just for Galt's speech alone.