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    News alert! Plane made in 1993 requires floppy disks.......

    I don’t know why this is a shocker?  Go on any of the older navy ships and they are using punch tape and tape reels for some of their systems.  

    I feel like after all that we should have at least got to see a picture of the pile of shit.

    Couple of things here. Urgent Care facilities are NOT hospital ER’s. They are where you go for minor issues. Urgent Care facilities do not have staff with expertise to treat anything more acute than colds, cuts, minor infections, etc. They don’t have ventilators or equipment to treat something as serious as this. They

    You really are so wrong on this. Don’t project your trust issues on everyone else that legitimately uses this as a tool of convenience.

    You can also, at least with iOS, alert you when your SO arrives or leaves a destination. It really is handy.

    Some people don’t have consistent schedules. My girlfriend is a Physician for example. She doesn’t need me texting her to find out if she has finished sign out. I can just use find my friends and see if she is still at the hospital, or on her way home. I don’t think I’ve ever used it once because I thought she was

    Wow...what a charmer you must be.

    I trust my girlfriend and she trusts me. We both share our locations with each other to save on the texts “What time do you think you will be home?” or “Are you still at work?”

    The GF turned me on to the glory that is roasted vegetables. This is my go-to side dish for everything now. Add in a little hot sauce and you are good to go!

    It isn’t like it took a lot for that other building to come down....maybe this was for the best?

    I thought the same exact thing. Looks like the Dash/Chumby.

    I *KNEW* that really happened!

    Please, tell us more about your experience with horses and their cocks?

    I’m trying to determine how they are going to actually police this?

    I guess you saw the Facebook meme?

    Talk to us in 30 years when you have multiple heart attacks, CHF, and other respiratory issues. My parents both smoked. Both have had multiple heart attacks and the doctors directly attribute the damage they have done.

    Is this just an android app? Or will it work on iPhone too?

    How do you know?

    It looks like it is the same 10 people....

    In the words of Trump... “Wrong.”