I regularly read Chris Hoffmans website and have no axe to grind with his assertion that MSE might not be for the less-savvy PC user as it mirrors precisely the comments I posted on Whitsons article on the effect of AV's on bootup speeds last week.
I regularly read Chris Hoffmans website and have no axe to grind with his assertion that MSE might not be for the less-savvy PC user as it mirrors precisely the comments I posted on Whitsons article on the effect of AV's on bootup speeds last week.
Not really a widget, but I find their weather prediction scary accurate. www.forecast.io for their webapp and https://play.google.com/store/apps/det… for an app that use their API. What they do is aggregate information from different sources instead of relying just on one source
Just patch them on your way out. Remember to do it before the day you move out and it'll be a lot less of a hassle. If you can't patch the wall then 1) you're the type of person your landlord is trying to keep from ruining the apartment and 2) you're not going to be able to build a decent false wall.
Instead of wasting a full, unused scented candle (and the resultant wax mess when it gets knocked over) I put my USED, too small to re-light candles. There's still a bit of wax & scent in there, but not enough to use for any other purpose. The smallest Yankee jars fit nicely in a cupholder.
Here's video of the same helicopter getting water out of other pools nearby to fight the same fire.
Nothing is better than tater tots. Except more tater tots.
In the process of selling my house now, I'm quickly learning that these items don't add much value, but rather help your house sell faster. And sometimes, they don't. Like someone said upthread, you'll never see a 100% return on this money. But you might see your house move quicker than if you hadn't made the changes.
I wish someone made esata flash drives. Usb3.0 is dog slow and every laptop and PC I have bought in the past 5 years has had an esata port.
Take 2 (round) dinner plates, add a few marbles to one, place the other plate on top: Presto! instant turntable. Used to do this when we played Scrabble.
I see your 4th of July Flag Cake and Raise you a Captain America Cake
The app is called "Your Spouse".
This has got to be the dumbest idea ever. How would any sane adult want this hanging in their house? It might be cute for a 5-7 year old, but I'd hardly call it a life hack.
Extravert dial, turned all the way up.
I think it is important to talk about what Introvert/Extrovert really mean. According the the Myers Briggs test, and Introvert is not someone who likes being alone more than talking to people, but someone who needs alone time to "recharge their battery"
I wonder if the % of introverts is higher within the "LifeHacker community" than in the general population. Because introverts are a generally the minority - they are estimated to be 10% to max. 30% of the population.
There's a reason I call my home Hermits Hollow. I could spend days, happily putzing around the house or garden, enjoying my own company - neither seeing nor speaking to another soul. That said, I also enjoy being out among the living.. the extroverts. As a matter of fact, I married one. I find that extroverts…
I find it easier to find friends with similar (not exact, cuz that might get boring) preferences as me. Case in point: some people like to spontaneously hit me up to hang out. As an introvert, I notice I tend to prefer to know in advance when I have to be in an extrovert situation. So if you ask me to hang out with…
Don't care, it's the only Ford I'd care to drive, and it's a good system.
"I cannot abide useless people."
When my dad was teaching me how to repair and reassemble things when I was young he taught me an easier way to get bolts or anything that's threaded started into its hole when you can't see where you're working. Just turn the bolt backwards until you feel/hear a click. This means the openings of both sets of threads…