
See, now you're going a bit far. YOU don't enjoy shooting guns, and that's fine, but many people get a lot of pleasure (yeah, pleasure) out of firearms without killing anything. Skeet shooting, target shooting, old fashioned plinking at random crap in the country with a .22…all of these things. I know because I've

Whoa, someone else who remembers Bosom Buddies had more going on that stupid sex farce stuff.

Wow. The internet really can go off on ANYTHING. I mean, I think this is better than Left Shark, but not by much.

The problem being Ducky is gay. NTTIAWWT generally, but that makes Molly Ringwald very wrong for him.

Which cut? There are about 99 of them.

Fine, I'll do it:

Nice avatar/comment synergy.

Hey! It's only the third time that joke has been made already!

I like seeing doucheheads getting theirs as much as the next person, but I wonder if we're overdoing the thing here. Speaking of attendees, of course.

If I may be serious for a moment…

My initial take was that the OP was afraid it would be shite and that it's shiteness would be blamed on the female aspect.

A Horse and His Boy really has the best set-up. A nice chase/escape narrative, a bit of romance, a nice battle at the end, etc. Not sure what you do with the "evil Turks" expy, though. Make them Russians?

I suppose we ought to consider that a default position.

I think you're being WAY too kind to the comments section.

You know, aside from all the Chinese in it, you'd think the Korean war would get at least a little love.

Age of Rifles! Sometimes I think I'm the only one that ever played that game…


The F/F and M/F romances aren't exactly high art either.

You mean these bleeds?