
I think I got sucked into the "both sides do it" narrative for you two and this thread. That's kinda funny. Also, sad. Lazy reading on my part.

You're both kinda right. It *is* true that complaints about how everything has gone to hell go back centuries. It is *also* true that there times of more or less polarization, and I think we're in a time of more right now.

That's blood from people stabbing themselves in the eardrums, though. Not urine.

I'll say this for Disneyland: You don't have to worry about stepping into puddles of urine.

I dunno, 1900? It's frigging New York, who can tell.

I don't think those were ever on HBO. Cinemax, maybe. Or Skinemax, we called it. We were clever ones, back in high school.

More Tom Selleck is always good, but this specifically, yes.

You're ridiculous, but I will say this beats the "her mouth is too big for her face" complaint we used to see.

What we need here is Tom Selleck.

You're saying he needs to make like a tree, and get out of here?

Yeah. My hotel was, like a *block* away. I couldn't believe my luck! Until I saw the place. Ah well, my kid is going to school in Manhattan, I'll be back several times in the next 3-4 years.

I'm not getting any "fuck the original" vibe from this article.

Currently covered up by scaffolding and stuff while it gets repaired, etc. I was deeply disappointed.

I get that reference!

If you hate lawyers, in a lot of states, you can hand-write something and sign it with some witnesses and that'll go a long way to having things play out the way you want them to. There will still be judges and lawyers and stuff, but that was gonna happen anyway in this case.

There used to be a whole set of failure missions ins the first Wing Commanders. You could claw your way back to ultimate victory despite some losses. They were (mostly) ditched by WC3, because people never played them.


I figured you were gonna say Wes Andersen.

Perhaps he was dictating.

Took an AWFULLY long time for someone to post this quote. I know all you people are actually trying to engage the art here, but damn, this line is just sitting there like a hanging curve ball waiting to get the bat.