
I ran into one of your basic Aryan Nation types the other day at the Atlantic freaking out over how they erased George Washington's whiteness. I shit you not.

Indeed. As a guy with a son who's an MT major, my FB feed is loaded with Hamilton stuff.

It might be good at Fox, since the white dude is played by a black man. So a light-skinned PoC gets shot by a dark-skinned PoC, while both are playing white dudes.

That was mostly the hits. The deeper cuts, while not the same as their 70's stuff, were a lot better.

I understood that reference!

Extreme optimism is both our best and worst trait.

Not a good one, though. I think entertainers have been heavy into whatever the drug of the day was since there drugs.

Is this a joke? Jerry Lee took drugs that Kieth Richard never even heard of.


This is a list that could go on a long effing time, but I'll just toss this out:

Nice, but you forgot the !twitch! right before human.

Moments like this make me miss ZOMBIE MOTHERFUCKER.

Not much fighting in The Silver Chair, IIRC.

Tell him about the twinkie.

Very much so. Biggest lap dog EVER.

That's not a puppy.

I picked up one of my kid's Claire books once (in his defense, he was in middle school then, and his taste has improved immeasurably). It was really really awful. I know I could write a better book, except actually sitting and typing in all those words is actually a lot of work.

These days with space behind the MB to run your cable mess, it's pretty easy to have a decent looking cable run. Not tight like the pros do, but nice enough. I've found that having to undo the super tight cabling of the build sites is kind of a PITA.

These days you can't even save money by rolling your own PC. The build sites can generally match you. I still do it to try and keep up my skillz. Such as they are. Eff I'm old.

Do you know the street value of this mountain?!?