
clicked on article just to complain about the click bait headline. i was wrong

So in heavy gridlock, surrounded by a full school bus and a propane truck, police decided to open fire? On suspects that were running away (as opposed to attacking) and (based on there being no mention of a weapon) unarmed?

In a few years? That interior already looks like absolute gahbage.

Better looking than Chiron.

I was 100% on board with Jason until I read this. Well done, sir. I can now see both sides of the coin, and they are equally shiny.

force kick. duh.

Guess Michigan is too broke to install a decent pop-up blocker

I command you to now get vanity plates for it that say THESEUS. The only original part will be the little VIN plate on the firewall.


Now playing

You left out the best part: He has a bulldozer.

Yeah that was the first thing I thought when I saw the article, wow that looks just like that ugly pile piece, the Crosstour. Maybe I am alone here, but I think the Crosstour is one of the ugliest cars made in recent history.

Short answers to potential affluenza suburbs in Maryland:

Potomac - Sure. Wealthiest area in the wealthiest state.
Monkton - Definitely possible! Lots of horse farms.
Arnold - Clearly. Lots of Annapolis sailing cash.
Chevy Chase - Why not? Big houses, small lots, overinflated sense of self.
Bethesda - Practically the

Ironically, when you think about it, the summon feature kind of removes one of the biggest problems these doors solve from existence.

This is probably the most balanced review on this matter that I’ve read on the whole internet. Probably this is the most balanced review in the Universe. Thanks for that.

Crossfit. The answer is always Crossfit.

and also, that fucking sucks.

Yay! Way to go editing the video and making it shitty and unentertaining.

I agree. I love the Kirkland Canadian whiskey and their scotch. The Resposado tequila, when in stock, is wonderful for 14 bucks 1000 ML bottle.

Everyone knows you should never disturb a Mitsubishi cocoon... How dare they do this before it could undergo its final Evolution

Doctor! We’re getting something!

This truck is stupid, designed for rich dude-bros who will never use it as intended. Its a codpiece for the Affliction t-shirt wearer. Its a cynical cash grab from Ford.