
I love that the new standard for turbocharged 2.0s is 300+ hp. SCIENCE.

The 3/4 view isn't terrible, but looking head on at this thing hurts my eyes.

Oh yeah? Well I spilled coffee on my hand this morning and only complained for 5 minutes instead of my usual 10.

1. Tinkering is no longer possible

Bah. Just last Sunday I switched my summer gearshift knob (billet) to my winter one (the leather number from a Mustang). Sure it's not much, hardly a thing at all, but I was completely enamored with the stupid thing for several hours (like I am every year)

Am I the only one that finds the mirrors a bit awkward?

See Kia's Accessories Department for the 'Range-Extender' option...

If you can't figure out how to get out of that parking spot in 2 or (3 maximum) moves then public transportation is for you.

"Old cars are more reliable and don't break down as much as modern cars." Actually, I don't think I've had my car break on me in three and a half years. Par for the course, I suspect.

Premium fuel makes any car run better. BS. If it's not tuned for it, there's no point.

These came with a VHS player and integrated LCD screens.

Meh. 2.7g is good, but not AMAZING. Becketts corner at Silverstone in an F1 car is a 4.5G/-4.5G combo - 9 g difference in cornering force in a couple of seconds....

Thanks for that generalization. All boomers are assholes who think they own the country even though they're the ones leading it down the shit chute while living too long ansteeping jobs that others should have because they were too stupid to invest wisely, lost all their money in the recession and banked on pensions.

Final Gear FTW, since I prefer nice, clean HD for my favourite programme (see what I did there). ETA 1h 24m

I'm leaning towards Challenger. V6 perhaps due to smallish wheels.

I think the light reflection is distorting the shape too much to be able to ID it from the body, so the glasshouse is key. The thing that comes to mind might be the Camaro. The shape of the side glass seems to fit, and that would make it a newer 2-door. Plus, the Camaro had been off the market for a long time and the

This is a tough one. My best guess, based on window profile, is a Jaguar XK (X150).