
Isn’t risk of death the reason you shouldn’t tailgate in the first place?

That belt got abused pretty bad when the pulley gave up. If you don’t replace the belt, I don’t think you learned your lesson from this. Don’t let cheap parts leave you stranded.

Leave it to Aston Martin to rip off the annoying aspects of a Porsche.


‘D’ual motor

That’s good, because it does!

German automakers have been known for that for decades. The joke was, you walk into the BMW or Mercedes dealership and say you want to buy one. The salesperson asks, would you like that in small, medium, or large?

I think we need to discuss what is in Barbara Bush’s hand in that photo... Why are they smiling like that?

High output DC motors have brushes, which require replacement and would be too much maintenance. The only alternative to brushes is to convert power to AC somewhere along the transmission path.

Yes. I want a coupe, not a convertible with a helmet. A coupe top is lighter, stronger, doesn’t leak, and is cheaper than a convertible hard-top. The hard-top also looks silly, with a coupe the styling could be preserved.

A lot of transmissions have 4th or 5th gear as direct drive, so it kind of makes sense that the rear-end wouldn’t have to be much different than normal.

My worry is that the hardtop is just a skin and the roll cage is the only think actually structural. I think if they sold it as a hardtop they would have to pass rollover tests.

So if they completely replaced the platform and restyled the body....??? I’m guessing it would look different.

Yes. Not being snarky, they really have.

Super high PSI in left rear tire? He barely moves the wheel and spins out immediately.

It’s pretty hard to police thousands of people along miles of public (albeit closed) roads.

I don’t know about the 911 specifically, but I haven’t seen a vehicle with an airbag switch in a long time, not sure if it is even still legal. Most (or all) cars have a weight sensor in the seat to automatically turn off the airbag if there isn’t enough weight, but I wouldn’t trust that with a rear-facing carseat,

FYI, you won’t be able to fit a car seat in it until they are front-facing at age 2 or 3.

My understanding is that as far as drag is concerned, the front-end doesn’t matter very much because a teardrop shaped pocket of high-pressure air forms in front of any blunt surfaces. Streamlining the rear-end so that air fills the void behind the vehicle instead of creating a vacuum behind the car is the real key.

Isn’t the new M2 really similar to the 1M? I kind of figured that the 1M prices wouldn’t hold up once the M2 was out.