
Driver’s Ed is still a requirement. It just isn’t done at school.

I know the Bronco I is, but is the Bronco II going up much?

Because sitting in a car burns less calories than driving a car?

I don’t know about all time great, but in 1984 the Corvette was WAY better looking than everything except exotics.

It’s basically the exact same situation as manual transmissions. Only enthusiast and base models will be autonomous.

Could it be an electrical switch that you’re hearing click, or do you feel the click in the pedal?

I haven’t looked at the numbers, but I know that depreciation is a major concern of McLaren owners in comparison to if they had purchased a comparable Ferrari.

McLarens aren’t investment grade cars except for the P1. One of their biggest problems with getting sales is that they don’t retain value like a Ferrari does. Anybody that buys one is going to drive it because it will depreciate either way.

Porsche is better than most when it comes to availability for old parts. They treat classic parts as a profitable side business instead of an obligation to not piss off customers like most automakers.

I would say that a black or white Crown Victoria works in basically any neighborhood, though I do agree that a cargo van is a solid pick.

If nuclear power has a 2nd renaissance, then hydrogen becomes pretty viable. If electricity is cheap, you need a portable storage medium for it, and battery innovation is not keeping up.

This doesn’t mean the standards aren’t helping. The engines still have to be cleaner to meet the requirements, you just can’t expect to hit the number being tested against in the real world. I bet real world numbers are way better now than they used to be.

I agree for performance cars, but for everyday driving I think 0-60 is more important.

Just go back to Gawker and leave us alone. You’re way too worked up.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. He was saying that every congressman except Hennessey is an idiot for not calling out the use of top speed as the metric.

Engineers pride themselves on precision. He very well may be kicking himself over it.

Ugh, this again. McDonalds was serving their coffee literally boiling hot, so that they could offer free refills in the restaurant but it would take so long to drink that nobody took them up on it. Coffee is not generally served anywhere near boiling.

I can handle the side and rear, but that front end is terrible. Anyone interested in this should be looking at a normally aspirated Porsche 944, very similar power and weight.

I would say $1500 is about the minimum reasonable amount for any older car. As you get into more expensive cars, 5-10% of value is a more realistic number, since the value of the car can make more expensive repairs worthwhile. If my 944 required a yearly $6k engine-out timing belt replacement, that would be a deal