
This is an artifact from 30 years ago where power levels were lower. When most cars couldn’t break 100 mph, being able to say your sport coupe could do 130 on the autobahn was a big deal. I agree that almost all cars now have the power to go unreasonable speeds.

This is legitimately entertaining to watch.

I think it is going downhill, so the motor is actually trying to slow it down.

A fairly easy solution for the outputs would be an I2C I/O driver. A multiplexer would certainly work, but options are good and I’m sure there are I2C drivers available for Arduino so you don’t have to start from scratch.

I find that suburban police will pull over anyone they can find an excuse for after 10pm on a weeknight to look for DUIs. I got pulled over one night for a tail light being out, and told the cop I had a beer at the baseball game I just left, so he immediately pulled me out for a sobriety test. I passed the test and he

In Maryland you can get any police officer in the state to sign off that you fixed it. Just go to any police station or flag one down in a parking lot and they can sign it off electronically, you don’t even have to mail it in.

Are you on rennlist? That sounds familiar...

Watch the whole video. Towards the end he gets much better at hovering it stably. I imagine there is a heck of a learning curve to hovering a homemade helicopter.

I think it has more to do with dealing with ground-effect turbulence. If you have one of those tiny remote control helicopters, you’ll find it is much harder to hover it near the floor than up in the middle of the room.

But their leases are just about up, so they are ready for the new model.

Vehicle-specific forums are you friend. Lurk them for a while, and search them when you need help with something. Most will have a lot of helpful how-tos, you just need to find them. Make sure your first post is an introduction with a picture of your car. After that, feel free to ask questions AFTER doing a search and

Damn. Those are some serious head studs.

No, they were car-bowling and the car on the left finally scored a 300.

You’re not a real driver until you can make shifts while holding a Big Mac and Big Gulp at the same time. I’m way better at distracted driving now.

Three words. Nurburgring road head.

Sue your employer for wage theft, then.

You are allowed to laugh in these cases. The danger of being ridiculed for falling over is why track stands are fun.

You literally can’t sell a 924 at this point. They are much less desirable than a 996.

I disagree. I loved it, but it looks dated now.

Yes. That gif was made for Thug Life.