
Pretty sweet setup for a track day car. Price is just a touch higher than I’d be willing to pay.

Eh, just don’t sign the title and sell it within a month, you’ll be fine.

I’ve been asked to perform an FST once, after a few beers over several hours, so I was very nervous about my BAC. I did fine on the FST and the cop was gone before I even got back in the car. It seemed he was actually trying to find legitimately drunk people and had no interest in harassing me. I figured I might as

I prefer my condoms to be slippery, rather than sticking to any surface they touch.

It isn’t so much a problem, but the conventional oil is less consistent in particle size, so it has some larger particles that can plug micro-holes in gaskets. Synthetic has consistently small particles and will wash away those plugs, resulting in seeping gaskets. Obviously, replacing gaskets is the real solution, but

The Porsche 924 community. If you think the 944 is the bastard step-child of the family, think again.

Fantastic episode with great discussion.

This would probably be the least powerful engine sold in America if it came here. A 1.6 diesel is not going to be fun by any definition.

I agree, if you change the MAF pipe that will affect the engine tuning.

You don’t need to tune to take advantage of that air. The MAF/MAP sensors whole job is to measure the volume/temperature of the air entering the engine so that it can meter out the correct fuel. The only way it wouldn’t be able to keep the mix correct is if the fuel injectors were already maxed out at full power.

Lamborghini Diablo.

That’s not true. If you pull a bunch of cars off the roads, then new ones need to be built to make up the difference. It isn’t one-to-one since the old cars only had maybe 25% of their useful life left, but extra sales definitely resulted.

Way to reach for the stars.

Or they just got tired of hundreds of emails coming in.

This is easily your best work yet. Keep it up.

The problem is that batteries tend to be heavy, which is a disproportionately larger disadvantage on a hill climb. Turbos mostly fix the oxygen issue for internal combustion.

I think the real improvement here is in camera technology. I am disappointed you can’t hear the electric motor at all, I was hoping you’d be able to hear some whirring to give you an idea of RPMs.

Not for private debt. Tax evasion on the other hand...

The police don’t (and shouldn’t) have the authority to shut down a business because they are “crooks”. If they have evidence they are doing something illegal, they can hand them to the courts, but that is it.

If the brake was still working, the rotor would have a smooth surface.