
The engine does sound like a nightmare waiting to happen, but the AWD is really just two separate drivetrains for the front and rear. Electric motors tend to be quite reliable, so it may just be the super/turbo engine that will be bad.

All of those are Doug, and he is weird, so I'll give them that.

He actually says to never return a bad survey, just to suggest to the salesperson that a better deal will result in a perfect one.

Are you suggesting that Gawker just happens to post several clips from every Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon because they are funny?

The Porsche 924 chassis was developed by Porsche for VW to be a fun and economical sporty car for the VW brand. VW decided to not go forward with the car after development was complete, so Porsche bought back the rights for the car. Rather than developing an engine or buying a more suitable one from another company,

Just saw one of these this weekend road-tripping on I-77 in Virginia. I was more than a little jealous.

Try to wrap your head around the idea that not everyone falls into the tropes associated with their generation. They are remodeling my office right now and I have been listening to 50 year olds tell me how they need to tear down offices and replace them with cubicles or they won't be able to hire young professionals

There is just so much wrong here, I don't know where to begin...

I like it too, but nobody is going to think it is a new car.

The XLR would like a word with you.

I can get 21 mpg in my Frontier on the highway at 65 mph. Any faster and it takes a nosedive.

Yuck. I hate the hood bulges along either side and the lip on top of the tailgate. Also not a fan of the wheels. Interior looks awesome though. I'll stick with my 2011 Frontier, though that interior is tempting. I think they are spot on with this truck in meeting their market. This is a truck for suburban families

In the context of a warp bubble it does make sense. The warp bubble makes the distance you travel shorter, so you could brag about the efficiency of your warp drive by saying how short a distance your ship traveled to get between two points.

Damning with faint praise?

Why does this gif exist?

I imagine you could have a system where whatever lifted the wheels off the ground would be deactivated when the steering wheel is turned more than a few degrees or the brake pedal is pressed. Hover mode would essentially just be for highway cruising.

That's how Porsche rear seats are. The bucket and lower back are just foam-over-chassis.

Do you dust your house or undust it? Dropping the negative prefix isn't terribly uncommon in English. I mostly see them referred to as sway bars, except when someone is being very formal.

Less rotating mass is always going to be more efficient. A turbo allows the motor to ingest more air so that it can perform like a larger displacement engine. Also keep in mind that mileage ratings are based on normal street driving, so the efficiency difference at high output is irrelevant.

Front engine Porsches. 924, 944, 968, and 928 owners love their cars and helping each other out, plus they are cheap so nobody gets pretentious.