
The museum is still getting the benefit of owning the car, they just get the cash value rather than the intrinsic value of ownership. This is a perfectly valid thing. When other charities ask for car donations, they auction them off and keep the cash, they aren't keeping the cars. This is no different.

After looking it up, the acid used is unimportant, indicating it is not involved in the chemistry of the reaction. It seems that the acid dissolves the sugar and attracts water strongly enough that the sugar can't recover those atoms. You end up with carbon and diluted acid.

The sulfuric acid remains sulfuric acid according to the equation at the end. The carbon and water come from the sugar's component elements.

The westbound bridge is actually 2-way at certain times to help with traffic since it is wider.

It is only a good business decision if it is popular with the people that can afford it.

I never noticed how sad the F40 looks. It looks like it is either melting or its puppy just died. That 288 GTO on the other hand... yum.

1.3% is not a lot of rounding.

Some states require front plates, unfortunately.

Read your comment again and tell me it doesn't sound like an angry conservative. I'm glad it was just in jest.

If you did triathlons, you would understand that the muscles used are different. And there are sprint cyclists that produce much more power than endurance cyclists. I don't know that Bolt would have the endurance to get up to speed, he's used to running no more than a minute.

Did you read the article? The actual net job number was correct. Cognitive dissonance much?

Different muscles are used for pedaling and running. Plus, because of the gearing the person's foot speed is irrelevant, power is the only thing that matters. I suspect Bolt's power output is nothing special compared to a cyclist.

Wow, production value was really superb.

I doubt it would make too big a difference. I imagine F-150 makes up the vast majority of F-series sales.

Delaware is an agricultural state, so not too surprising. Not obvious to people not from the area, though, since it's surrounded by urban sprawl for hundreds of miles.

Just throw some green valve caps on there and call it a day.

Quite a discrepancy in the Mitsu drivers' times there...

Top picture shows lambo door, lower picture shows regular. Could be new/old, or just both?

I think the Tremor gets the 4.10 gears stock.

I'm with you. Top Gear is entertainment, its not catered towards enthusiasts. I'm sure professional singers can't stand Pop/American/Arab/etc Idol.