
Wow. I'm speechless, that is amazing. Now I want to see it in a scale model Duesenberg.

This is a natural way to have a dual platform. Gas cars aren't going away anytime soon, so if you can put a battery where the engine goes and throw motors in the hubs, just about any vehicle could become an electric. Weight distribution may still be front-heavy, but at least you have RWD or AWD.

Get new friends. I'm a cyclist and can't imagine ever asking someone to do a job as a boring as be a support vehicle for a non-race.

I agree. That video choked me up, this is meh.


How do I get my posts to be unhidden? Have I not been here long enough?

That looks awesome. Can't wait for it to show up on bike frames, too.

My 1990 Dodge Shadow blew it's head gasket in '97. What a piece of shit.

Gas won't be sufficiently expensive to drive the market until it is almost gone. By working to conserve now, we can push that as far down the road as possible so that hopefully some more viable alternative will have appeared.

I'm with you. Unfortunately it seems that nuclear is not very popular right now.

No, its all the street lights lined up in a row along with some lens flare.

For $3500 you could have a multitude of fun to drive cars of similar vintage. Or you can have a 97HP FWD. Your move.

Looks like a flop to me. Saw the cop car and got dollar signs in his eyes.

There is nothing inherently wrong with CVTs, they just haven't been optimized very well. I find it hard to believe that 8 or more gears still makes engineering sense, rather than just making CVTs work better.

I need the 4 seats for practicality, not style. If I want to be able to drive it with any regularity I need to be able to throw a kid in the back.

Just found a 260z on craigslist for $2200 that was in average shape. Messaged the seller and found out its a coupe instead of 2+2. Major bummer.

Just looked on Craigslist. Doesn't look like you can touch a 911 of any age for under $20k. Not even close to the range I was looking at, but someday...

Really? I had no idea, always assumed they were 2 seaters.


I think you missed the 4 seats part... If 2 seaters were acceptable it would get much easier with MR-2 and Miata being excellent options, as well as easier to find S30 2 seaters.