Jamine Haul

There's allot of hypocrisy and people concentrated on the wrong things because they don't wan to face whats wrong with racism, and instead use Chris Brown as the villain just to justify their own wrong doings.

What women did Chris Brown beat the shit out of? The only problem is, there's never a conversation about police murdering innocent black men. It's always about Chris Brown 2009 story. There is on comparison to someone who beat up a woman and another who murdered a woman. There's no way to equate the two. Murder

Oh yes, Chris Brown is more important than 500 years of oppression. That was an ignorant statement.

I'm not down playing anything. I just think murder is worst than someone getting beat up. I'm sure those poor black mean wish those racist police just beat them up. Instead their 6 feet under. Guess what none of the police were convicted. Which do you think is worse. Beating up a woman 7 years ago or

Good, I like Rihanna's music as well and if I'm not mistaken Rihanna has forgiven Chris Brown. Can you tell me why so many young black men are dying when faced with the police?

People have to own up to whats happening and stop hiding behind Chris Brown mistakes. Stop using him as a cover up for whats really going on.

What is so important about Chris Brown period? My point is why are we talking about him and something he did when he was 19 which was 7 years ago sometime in 2009 now in 2016?

Do you have any idea how black men feel when their pulled over by the police especially after so many murders with police and black men?

There is an injustice in our society where young black males are getting murdered by racist police officers and they are not getting punished for it. Chris Brown could be any of those black males. I could be. A black person doesn't get arrested they get killed.

Stop trying to distract everyone with Chris and Rihanna old story instead of talking about whats going on today and now. Black people like Chris and Rihanna are getting murdered by racist police and they are not getting punished like Chris did with Rihanna. Where's the justice. You don't think that's a problem?

I would love too. Instead of Chris Brown all the time. Yes, lets do it.

Why is America racist or why do Americans condone those who are? Why does young black males get gunned down on the streets that were unarmed?

It has everything to do with him. The way you guys hate him maybe he'll be next to get gunned down like a dog on the streets.

I hope young black men like Chris Brown aren't still gunned down on the streets like a dog just because they don't look like you. I hate that. You should too.

I will never go away. Why shouldn't I speak about the injustices? You may not want to hear it but it has to be heard. All you can talk about is defending Chris Brown and nothing for those young men around his age that are dead because they didn't look like you or a white person. Try justifying those White police

I just wish there was somebody that could have defended all those poor black men that were gunned down like a dog just because they wasn't White. Defend them on the streets were they were killed or even in the courtroom.

That happened 7 years ago. We talked about that 7 years ago but I know something that happened recently which is analogous to what's happened 300 years ago. How does a person get shot in the back and killed and doesn't have a weapon? I think this is a better subject to talk about and there's several other murders

They like to keep Chris and Rihanna in the media to deflect from the murders of innocent black men and women. They wan't us to hate Chris and look down on Rihanna when white men are killing innocent black people. Whats worse, a guy who beat up his girlfriend who forgave him several years ago or White men still

People need to look in their own backyards when they want to hate people for their past mistakes. I think it's unfair to hate Chris Brown for what he did to Rihanna when innocent people are still being killed by racist as they did years ago. I think Chris Brown is held as the person to hate while racist walk out of

Hate yourself.