Jamine Haul

Double standard.

Since Seth Bogart want to talk about Chris Brown's history, let's talk about his history and see if Chris Brown is the horrible guy they try and make him out to be. Chris Brown didn't kill anybody but innocent people are dying everyday all over the country. I would like to know why Seth Bogart doesn't hate that.

Especially from people like the moron in this story that think he has the moral right to hate anybody when his ancestors murdered, killed, enslaved people years ago and still killing innocent people today.

I know he doesn't beat women but 1 woman, but people who descend from a people who slayed and murdered woman and children because of their nationality think they can judge someone as if their backyard is clean.

Forgiveness from people who's ancestors murdered and still murder people because their black? Who needs their forgiveness.

What ever you want to call it doesn't change the truth.

What's wrong with that?

White people can't judge anybody. They have more blood on their hands more than any other ethnic group in the world.

I mean I hate Chris Brown because he beat up his girlfriend 7 years ago. You hate him for that how do you feel about your ancestors that killed innocent black men, women and children? Not to mention every other ethnic group on earth. I mean your ancestors did way worse than Chris Brown, do you hate them too?

Did the article read someone hating Chris Brown because he was Black to suggest such a comment?

This is the exact reason why I don't hate Chris Brown for a mistake he made 7 years ago. We still have people like idiotking who thinks Chris Brown should be hated because of the color of his skin just like his ancestors.

We'll it's still going on and I'd rather hate that than Chris Brown.

You would think that but it's true.

If that's so, They should hate themselves for being descendants of mask murders and Slave owners. They don't hate, "hate", they hate Chris Brown but it's the ancestors who owned Chris Brown's ancestors and killed them at their will but they don't want to have that discussion. If they did, this article wouldn't be

What's really mind boggling is people who are descendants of slave owners and mask murder's hate Chris Brown for a mistake he made 7 years ago but they don't hate the murder's who killed innocent black men everyday and get away with it just like their ancestors. What makes a person who ancestors were slavers and mask