Jamie White

Sure, but “Two to Tango” features an implied “It Takes,” which therefore includes “Take(s) Two” and is even somehow worse because the unspoken implication is a subconscious embedded psychological olifactatious phrasiology that literally beams a trademark violation directly into people’s brains! Take Two will not stand

I spend so much time on Twitch, and yet every time I see an article on here about a Twitch (or former Twitch) streamer, I’m like who?

Someone really needs to make a curated review website where people can only review stuff if they can maintain they aren’t total idiots.

HAS the game improved drastically, or is this just review inflating? Is this the CDPR fanboys reasserting their dominance after months of being shouted down after they tried to insist “the game was flawless at launch, it’s only a vocal minority that tried to play the game on a system it was never designed to be played

Wow. That was well said. I am in the market for a bridge, by the way. Any chance you have one for sale?

I relate to a lot of this, and wanted to let you know you aren’t alone. From my childhood I was convinced that at some point, I would just find my natural gift. My natural talent that everyone kept telling me about would make itself known, and I would be instantly an author whose works are appreciated and understood.

You ain’t alone, buddy.

I hope for GTA 6 they change the locale.. we already have places based on New York, LA and Miami.   maybe somewhere in Europe?  Asia?  LatAm?

So I work as a contractor under Activision Blizzard and we had an internal petition of 1,600+ employees and an external petition of over 17,000 people demanding our CEOs resignation…… and he’s still here. So… that’s dumb. 

First, I appreciate reading everything you all write. The good and the bad, it all takes effort and it all comes from something you care about, and I just appreciate that. You crazy cast of characters are like a modern day sitcom (though without all the jokes and the forced laugh track) - I check the site every day to

Only in America can a kid illegally take a gun across borders looking to kill people, kill those people, and then get away with it claiming he only did it to protect himself from those people.

I can believe this. Polygon went downhill after Kuchera arrived. He’s an aggressively terrible journalist, for one thing, but disturbingly he seems constitutionally incapable of stopping himself from having these “episodes” where he acts out like a petulant child, lashing out at others over slights both real and

 I haven’t looked, but Dawn up there is co-founder of Conte Nast who publishes Ars Technica, among others. Dunno if she is involved or even if Ars is reporting on this dust up.  But seeing the publishers of web sites on boards of gaming companies, or other technical companies, that are grist for their ‘mills’ does

Look, if we’re going to hate on The Verge and Polygon for not disclosing their board member affiliation; does that mean that Kotaku needs to disclose that their new EIC was one of those “shitty reporters” at Polygon in between her being a reporter here and now EIC?

LOL they just added it. I checked an article I’d read earlier and it’s now in there.

To hell with both The Verge and Polygon. Both websites are garbage and run by garbage people. And have been for the most part ever since they were both started.

You know what’s interesting? I have not seen ONE OUNCE of disclosure on either Polygon or The Verge about Casey Wasserman. Someone should really do something about that, only I refuse to comment on their articles on principle based on emails I had with the EOC of The Verge. (long story)

Your issue is valid, makes sense, and like I said, I have no rebuttal to it. All I took issue with was your implication that “not caring about quality” is somehow generational or confined to a zeitgeist or a specific era. And like… no.

You know, with all the millions in revenue he’s getting from Twitch alone wouldn’t it be more efficient to fund mutual aid groups and strikes from his own pocket?