Jamie White

IO Interactive really needs to be held up as a incredible example of how to drag your company and IP’s into the “GaaS” age, kicking and screaming, to such success that you can not only afford to buy back your independence as a studio but also make 3 games in a row in a series that most thought very dead (predominately

I’m really starting to believe that the GTA we knew and loved is gone. I’ve already made clear my feelings about GTA V (for me, GTA IV was the last good one and even that was an about turn in style). Though, I’m still unsure if the absentees will impact the next game positively or negatively. It might not be GTA, but

You’re the one who brought it up”

digitally acting out a scenario involving the murder of schoolchildren”

The glorification of killing [insert war criminals everybody loves to hate] isn’t all that different from the glorification of the killing/capture of [insert apparently less heinous crimes such as killing dozens of your class mates].

“whitey is an anti-white slur”

But killing school shooters is the place you draw the line? Bizarre.

It just feels like Kotaku is trying very hard to jump on any old bandwagon whilst still consciously picking their poison.

Pretty sure that was their chief claim against me, for wishing that he doesn’t finish it. I have plenty of unhinged comments to show for it.

And what of games like Wolfenstien? The glorification of killing nazis isn’t all that different from the glorification of the killing/capture of “criminals”. Is it merely the difference in tone?

Just pointing out that it might be worth remembering the nature of your sources, who is amplifying who, regarding what can only be considered subjective and preliminary information at this point of time.

I’m not sure Washington Post is a great source of “evidence”, you know given that it’s got Jeff “Penis Rocket” Bezos atop it.

I’ve only read the articles and watched the clips here for the most part. So I can’t really call it 5 minutes, but were I to start fresh and time it? I’d know in about 5 seconds.

Would love to see more of this in the coming year.

It’s funny you should choose this moment to reply, I considered doing the same but thought it wasn’t worth the trouble necroing the thread. Now I’m here though…


Exactly how I feel, well put.

Do us all a favour, and list for me these things:

I’m not arguing that he didn’t break promises and make mistakes, but I am arguing that he was lead and pushed into those mistakes by a rabid fan base and ceaseless media opportunities, which is hardly unique to him and is a much bigger issue we will have to tackle. In the Linux world, for example, this became such a
