I would argue that I aired mine pretty successfully and that being aware of my own situation that I have it far better in hand than “Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope” at latter day Kotaku comments.
I would argue that I aired mine pretty successfully and that being aware of my own situation that I have it far better in hand than “Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope” at latter day Kotaku comments.
To think this reductive insensitive and thoughtless response has more stars than mine… no surprises there at all.
To be entirely fair, everyone else is doing it and either just straight up turning off the comments or not even mentioning any controversy or giving a single flying duck what we think or say.
I’m inclined to agree with you. I’m all for connecting the dots in your own mind and making educated calculations based on the available evidence regarding who you do or don’t seek out and how much you consume their stuff moving forward as well as even making other people aware of factors that might better educate…
I mean considering there was a bug with a backpack on a skin that made it impossible to headshot the player from behind when they were crouched and defusing… I call bullshit on that.
Finally, a takeaway that gets it right, thank you Renata. Duck them, duck them both.
It is such a fundamentally different game, in some good ways but also mostly disruptive ways that utterly break the flow for long time players, that I just wish they had outright done a CSGO 2.6 with the new engine and all these new features, and separated out another legacy CSGO that only updates the mechanics…
After playing Oblivion… into oblivion, Skyrim was the biggest disappointment in gaming for me around that time. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the setting. The absolute best part of Skyrim was wondering around and getting lost in the locales. But it wasn’t even an incremental improvement over Oblivion in most areas, it…
I personally wouldn’t call it an uniquely American problem or attitude, in fact there are places that are much more restrictive and antagonistic about this kind of content, but there’s just an unspoken but nonetheless pathetic stink to the western flavour of it. Helped along by the altogether laughably contradictory…
I haven’t looked recently no, I guess for all that there might now be though, it kinda requires a player base to care.
I only played a handful of hours, the tutorial and some wandering about, loved the visuals and world and what little time I had with it was good fun. Noticed some of the disappointing limitations but didn’t have any glaring issues or game breaking bugs. I didn’t get far enough into it before everything blew up and I…
Not so much fair game, I just inferred that you shouldn’t go out of your way to feel bad for them specifically, at least for your own sake. Kids with too much parental leeway and too much money to burn on shit like Fortnite and this obvious scam, need to have this lesson ASAP.
Given how much you poured into this reply, I feel personally obliged to tell you, the only people being taken for a ride by this talentless wanker are the even more cupid stunts, to coin a phrase, that watch his … [long pause] <exaggerated air quotes> “c o n t e n t”. My advice, don’t bother feeling sorry nor having…
“so you can get a sense of how your hardware will run it.” …yeah, your mysterious hardware that totally isn’t identical to millions of other people’s cheap plastic box of surprises.
The amount of man-scusing going on here is shocking. Go have a read of some of the things he said, such as: “thinking with their vaginas”, “tit-brained” people, among other absolutely vile comments in his wannabe manifestos. This is school shooter level of incel. At 27 years old, no less, and in public facing roles…
I’m going to have to call absolute bullshit on this. It’s not that it’s outside the reams of possibility, in this world nothing is, it’s just that this would not pass muster or be allowed to get in the way of the success and profit at any company. This isn’t like Red Candle slipping in a joke about Xi Jinping.
I mean I was just likening this to the scenario where I thought my partner was saying a word that sounded scarily similar, which is Mandarin btw, but it was just an innocuous word that is used pretty frequently. It was one of the interesting culture shocks we had to get past.
Yeah, the fact that it is such a frequently used and random phrase makes it unavoidable and meant that my partner struggled to know what I was talking about at first.
This is exactly why I’m thinking they might have a dynamic system, like they did in L4D. It was called the Game Director or something? But yeah, maybe they record all these guttural sounds and then the system puts them together in random orders. This order though, produces… unintended results.
I meant the voice director and actors etc, you dodo. Though I imagine some of these zombies may be East Asian and even Black.