Jamie White

I’m glad someone mentioned that, I didn’t really know where to talk about it (dog forbid kotaku write something interesting and not copypasta and report on it themselves) but seriously WTF is going on at ResetEra? They are having a nervous breakdown over CP2077.

Ah I don’t know, they were a lot more personable and human before for a lot of us. The deeper into this acquisition we get, the more it seems like those faces are being replaced with shadowy exec types and generic corporate staffing. They made their fair share of blunders prior, sure; site design as well as stability

You know I can multitask right? 🤣

From the very very bottom of my heart: fuck you twitch.

Honestly, you just described my thought process for the last 2 or so years. Tik Tok? Oh they dance to music? Oh it’s licensed music? It’s like Music.ly then? Oh they don’t dance? They move their arms or shuffle? Sorry, how many likes did you just say?

I guess I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt, given that we still get worthwhile content from here at least, even in these latter days.

You should see the extension section on my browser... Yet still I get ads here (mostly sponsored shit which is baked in unfortunately) and on twitch (which is also now sickeningly baking it in to people’s actual streams).

Funny isn’t it. The Twitter posts never even start to load until you scroll to or past them, yet an ad at the bottom of the page I will never get to loads in 1 second flat. Fucking ridiculous. What a sorry state.

I think the title alone is why this got past editors etc.

You know what, I’m usually the one to say this, but... this is gold 😂 I would never have seen this otherwise and it really made me laugh.

I mean that the spirits of dead people are still around wasting their time haunting the living is utterly ridiculous.

If you had been born 500 years ago your tune would be very different.”

Yeah, sure, he’s “pissy” because Twitch Turbo, Prime and taking a cut of subs (on top of ad revenue and the rest) isn’t enough monetisation and people that do any one of the aforementioned (and even all three) are STILL seeing ads DESPITE no ads being the selling point of each.

People are still missing the point. Better to use 1080p (with high fps) and use DSR to downsample 2K/4K to it. It looks so so good.

I just wanted you to know that when people read the exchange above they’re all thinking that Jamie White is the one that’s acting like a child. Cheers.

I’m with Riley on this one mostly.

I’ll let other people be the judge for themselves, but if you engage with me then you better expect that I’ll give a worthy response. I’m under no illusions such as “it’s the other guy”, it’s always me, I’m always the asshole. That’s okay by me, I can handle it. Clearly, some people here are too fragile to realise

You mean to tell me that something that costs double the money is way better. Gee whiz Sherlock, how did on earth did you deduce that? Youhave literally proven my point. Which to remind you with the full quote was:

Being as we’re now in that launch window and the new consoles have all of like two games to recommend them on. It makes the choice to buy into that platform even more mind boggling, but 2-3 years down the line the situation is just as muddied and perhaps worse (new consoles around the corner).

I was expecting people to go ballistic that I even dare mention that 😅