Jamie White

I swear, outside of these sites I AM fun and a much more balanced person for sure. Just, what the herbs have done to these sites absolutely disgusts me and I cannot abide. It’s sickening, and there’s authors that just don’t give a shit, they’ll write anything to get paid. Meanwhile, all the actual writers go to better

As someone that has grown up with these sites and wanted nothing more than to write for them, I should agree. But I don’t. This is 2020, with everything going on; be it genocide, mass shootings, illegal spying, religious and racial persecution, voter suppression or flat out hacked elections, oh yeah and the Earth

There are plenty more inventive ways to include the theme of spoopy things in an article, this is not one of them. I’m sick of my favourite websites edging ever closer to irrelevance every day.

Been here a long time, even wrote an article on a sub-blog in a different lifetime. I think this is just plain ridiculous and a further step down the road to irrelevance, peddling useless conspiracy theories in 2020.

Lifehacker, coming at you with all those “life hacks”... so useful.

Oh FFS. At this point there's no reason to keep fighting the ads and bullshit on these sites just to double-post to morons like you, I've got better things I really should be doing.

Funny that someone with a bee in their bonnet about twitch streamers having real jobs etc and such should liken me to a close-minded fascist. It's almost like you're projecting... 🤔

There’s no way this results in what the music industry wants, it wants more money for its grubby paws (and if you think more than a minute fraction makes it to the actual small artists, think again), but what it will actually get is no licensed music in games from here on out. I can’t wait to see their formless faces

No surprise that you focus only on the pointless parts of my comment, rather than the points, perhaps because you’re unable to refute them so it’s easier to pick holes on a personal level, huh? Not to mention your less than stellar additions to the communication levels of this “community” (which long stopped being a

I don’t know, I offered for you to make up your own comparisons, I just can’t seem to do them at the moment. Now is not my finest moment.

How old are you people?

I was inferring that this person might care more if say their fast food or sports team were involved. A better example might be, say your work took a cut of your pay as rent because you’re occupying their building. You can replace it with any inane example you want. The fact is, they clearly don’t like streamers and so

Firstly, a perfect example of the bitter irony here is that Watch Dogs Legion is dripping with licensed content to the point that Dansgame (an OG non-toxic streamer) had to avoid walking down a street because he could hear music coming from some shop or boombox. He had no choice in the matter, yet Unisoft PAID HIM to

You’re a terrible influence. Thank you.

Says the person using the phrase "cringeaf" #LOOOL

Exactly! I worked so damn hard to educate her, and I mean that in the softest, non-arrogant way possible. I actually tried to help her work through these things, I opened up and shared more BECAUSE I knew she struggled. I included her more, if I went out with friends, if I played games online, on social media. But I

I would never apply it to someone proactively. I might be extremely vocal here, but not so much irl. It's just a perfect descriptor for my ex and quite satisfying to imagine.

Double post.

About as hilariously wrongheaded as your take then.

I guess by the time I knew what was what I was already too far gone. I spent a lonely year wondering who I was without a long-term relationship (I’d spent 4 years in one from 14 to 18) and then found my ex, she sucked me into her vortex and spat me out 10 years later. I mean, I’m grateful I got out at all and made it