Jamie White

They don't HAVE to do this though, that's the thing. They could pretend it's a non-issue and keep it from the government's beady eyes. Instead, they've made it obvious that they themselves are complicit in their governments attitudes. Some Chinese people believe that their government is the saviour that will come to

It’s funny that the only people who tend to use the phrase “cancel culture” are those that oppose it. Does everything you disagree with have to fit in a nice tidy little box with a name tag on it?

Playing the game itself is tacitly endorsing companies that continue to extend the reach of the CCP beyond China proper. It doesn’t matter that it’s free, the more people that play, the more popular it will seem and the more people that will play, it’s a self-perpetuating cycle. You can only help to break that cycle

When every week Chinese military planes encroach on Taiwanese airspace, and Hong Kong becomes more and more a foregone conclusion, it’s hard to take anything with a grain of salt, so the people here claiming “it’s just a game” and “America is just as bad” not only doesn’t ring true, but it’s also tantamount to

I’ve suggested before, usually in regards to celebrity interviews, that we stop with the fawning, stop playing along with their games and that instead it’s time that we start holding people accountable and making them know that we know. Use the time we’re given with these people to lay it all out and take them to task.


Exactly. Twitch used to be run BY streamers. Now, they might be on stream but they’re not really streamers. Once they had it made and didn’t have to work for it anymore, they lost all sense of direction. I should imagine it’s full of Amazon stooges by this point, given the path it’s choosing of late.

Streamers can put their VOD's behind a paywall, basically meaning you must be a subscriber to watch their past broadcasts. It's a shitty thing to do imo, but I'm not making my living out of that hellhole so... whatever.

Yep, this. They are genuinely twice as loud as the average content.

Not sure where you got the idea that I don’t believe they exist for separate (valid) reasons. In fact, I think the Xbox Series X is a fantastic followup, better in fact than its predecessors by far but also enough for me to say they’ve absolutely nailed this console generation. Sony is dead in the water, barring

If that were true, then there wouldn’t even be a Series X, or S for that matter, in the first place. Microsoft would have just merged the Xbox OS with Windows and encouraged manufacturers to make more console-like PC’s (ala Steam Machines), or maybe even made their own hardware (Microsoft Surface Xbox Series [w-h]Y[?

And of course, bluffing and blagging it along the way just adds to their bravado and ego. They end up a bull in a China shop, surrounded by sensitive creative people. These people are hired and raised up to be grand manipulators by job, conversely the workers are made replaceable and throwaway.

It’s something I've learned from personal experience 😔

I wouldn’t call these execs “creatives” personally. They’re just in charge of driving the ship, even if they do steer it into the rocks most of the time.

You’re completely right, that and the Game Pass argument ARE the reasons for this...

No one knows that for sure, in fact Microsoft has stated the opposite in some cases. It's pure conjecture.

Maybe now is a good time to do some big articles on all these studios and how they felt/feel about Microsoft before and after etc. Would be fantastic long form content, the stuff we all miss and love.

It might be significantly shorter or at least heavier in the back than the front, if you know what I mean. Odds are on them doing something big relatively soon as a response. But Sony also likes to just do nothing and let the hardcore fans do all the work for them.

But why now?

On the plus side, there is less and less reason every day to even bother reading the Gawker sites 😔