Jamie Teller

Greedo had a gun on Han and meant harm. That's a pretty vital detail.

I find the recurring complaint that Waltz is giving the same performance he always gives a bit disheartening. I like him, and the idea that he might be less versatile or capable than once thought (or perhaps it's the roles which are to blame) is saddening.

Not inherently bad…just not up to the promise of his earliest films.

Thank you. I know that film is basically sacrosanct, but to me, it's just all right. The Ox-Bow Incident would've been a better choice, I think (even if it would be THE most depressing BP winner ever).

Argo is pretty thin as a winner.
The Hurt Locker let me fairly cold.
Gladiator is a Ridley Scott film post-1982.
What I've seen of American Beauty is pretty limp.
The Last Emperor is pretty boring.
Oliver! is fun, but…eh.
Tom Jones, likewise.
Gigi I remember finding pretty unremarkable.
An American in Paris isn't much better.

"I've got good news and bad news."
"What's the bad news?"
"All we've got to eat is manure."
"What's the GOOD news?"
"We've got plenty of it."

But of course. It was the gritty reboot to the Benji franchise.