
Forgot the classic standby quote...

I reject that payroll is a measure of how much teams are trying or how successful that team is going to be.

I’ve read that lede four times and I still have no idea who plays for whom or who that coach coaches.

Mate this guy is trying to compare a phone getting rung at 4am to someone exploiting a security flaw knowingly as the same thing and that legislation covering specifically computer misuse is crap because it doesn’t also deal with telephony, which is a completely different thing...

The impressive part is how he got the printers to use McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce instead of ink

I hope that elephant trunk thong had a bow-tie because if not the Ritz was right!

There’s a dress code at Ritz-Carlton hotels. I was like “fuck you if I’m paying this much I’ll wear what I want. Now give me back my elephant trunk thong.”

The Great White House Reporter Purge

3. How do you deal with a player whose sole intention seems to be reading the DM’s mind? Almost as if they’re not roleplaying, but playing a tabletop game like a video game, treating choices not as a personality thing, but to get to a “specific ending”.

*use portal gun
“The monsters portaled earlier materializes 20 feet over you, and land on top of you, damaging the portal gun”

There’s nothing wrong with giving players help or an artifact to assist the game, but there needs to be a limit. In this case, the portal gun can simply run out of power. With the advanced technology, they will not be able to fix it or charge it. Alternatively, they could find a way to charge/reuse it, but it may take

For my money, this is the most important rule of DM-ing. The best way to run a campaign and keep everyone invested is to understand what brings each of your players to the table, and leverage that in ways that keep them on the hook.

Fun article! The Rule of Cool is key. As a DM I used to be really focused on telling a great story without realizing a great story for the players was one where they had the most fun. You always have to provide some kind of probability of pulling off something amazing and fantastic, no matter how unlikely.

Thanks! It’s certainly ironic that angry Redditors have been dragging me all weekend for being a Blizzard shill because I criticized the petulant red-shirt guy on Twitter while at the same time I was digging into this story that Blizzard certainly didn’t want to come out.

I really want a diabolo mobile game, and while they are creating it they can go ahead and make a StarCraft mobile too. I remember playing start craft and diabolo 25 some years ago with my dad, when peer-to-peer gaming was a new thing. Now many years later as an adult, when I’m at home I rarely touch my laptop. I spend

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

Bob is wearing a bowler. Interesting enough, bowlers were far more popular among cowboys than “cowboy hats.”

Oh good, I was just thinking Overwatch needs more characters with knockback abilities.

Did anyone else think that apple pie looked really gross? It was in the uncanny valley of pies.

I’ll argue Iron Man.