
I believe this is called “doubling down”...

TL:DR, he’s Kang and never coming back?

Bat flip on a strike out.

One could argue that they both made a catch...

hen I think Lawful Good, I think of two people:

Mine too. I still have an irrational love of that system.

I apparently also need to learn how to write.

Great story Jason. I really do enjoy reading your post-mortem articles.

*Racket dropped*

Came for this. Was not disappointed.

Guessing this will be another year with no G.I. Joe love...

It’s totally designed to wear you down. Just like making you wait in the dealership for hours while they constantly go back to “get approval”.

You forgot the following voting option:

I run Ragnar’s and the #1 piece of advice to new Ragnarians is “Poop early and often.”

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Good kinja.

All the stars.

Go to a game. There’s a three minute delay between every half inning. Add that up over nine innings and it’s nearly an hour tacked “for teams to switch sides” (or as I call it, advertising).

I like Hollywood...but Mary Berry or GTFO.

Your dad was one badass man.