
He just threw the first pitch...

I would be sooooo good at this game.

So how exactly do the existing player base expect to receive new content? The game’s been out for how long now? This entitlement is way overblown.

You’re my hero.

Well, shit. This was the first thing I read today on the internet. I’ve already feel like I’ve peaked.

Hey, be mad at the game....not the Freya.

Meh...we knew it was coming. To me it’s even funnier that they dedicated/wasted a whole lot of time just to dis the Cardinals.

Bah...shitty leader then. We should all be helping one another out. GT cassius6303. I’ve one alt at light 260 and haven’t started the others.

Admittedly, I’m a Cardinals fan but this is bullshit. The postseason should be seeded by the best teams in baseball, not by division winners. The NL Central played historically well all season long and now the the best teams in the NL is now out.

You care. You’re here right?

I’m a third player looking for a 1st and 2nd...

As someone who walked away from Destiny over their connection issues last year, I have now accepted Destiny back into my life. This article will be a huge help.

So...they choked.

I’m guessing it’s been used across the site as I’ve watched two videos today that were choppy. I thought it was me until I read this.

Wow...stay classy.

God I loved Total Annihilation.

Well, betting on Carpenter(s) has worked out well so far....

Fatigues...maybe. There are allowable uniforms and the tone of surfguru’s trolling implies some inner jealousy/issues that they need to work on.

Edgy. Fuck off.

Awkward? More like fucking awesome!