Rosemary's Beyblade

I have a lot of love for the Simpson-bodied cars; I don’t think they stray too far into the “No honestly, I’m a Ferrari really” territory and instead I think the designs he creates translate really nicely on to the smaller chassis.

Semi-serious question: why is it that everyone that turns red, white and blue in the face whenever the troops are “disrespected” (see also: not given pride of place in every sentence of every paragraph to have ever existed) only seem to care about wars that happened from WW2 onwards?

Kind of hard not to get excited after that kind of comparison, right up there with “it’s like pizza meets sex.”

As a citizen of the UK, I think we’ve lost the right to complain about other countries taking our things to put them on display, so please continue.

I hear ya. My girlfriend upgraded her laptop about a year ago, so I decided to use her old one (which by all accounts still a fine computer but not powerful enough for her art work) to catch up on some of the PC-only games I’ve missed over the last 15 years.

Here’s an idea: why not make most SUVs and crossovers electric as standard?

Side note: the channel that made the featured video (Yarnhub) make a lot of really interesting videos like this, often about remarkable people and military operations most people won’t have heard about.

I guess I’m what you’d call a Hamilton hater, but I definitely have to hand it to him this time around; that was some great driving.

That will only be available through their soda-streaming subscription platform Cokeflix.

“Hurry to buy this game for $30 before you can get it for free in a few days time” is exactly the kind of sensible consumer advice that keeps me coming back to this site.

“Hurry to buy this game for $30 before you can get it for free in a few days time” is exactly the kind of sensible

My guess would be it’s closely linked to this article from the other week:

It’s unusual for a car company to offer an alternative “face” to a car they’ve been making for five years, sure, but Aston Martin are particularly good are retrofitting parts to cars.

According to these guys PC gamers account for 23% of the market, while 28% are console gamers (the rest are mobile gamers). With that being the case CDPR wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on that sweet, sweet console money.

Now playing

Make no mistake: Casualty is a million times worse. It’s effectively a soap opera more than it is anything else. Every week people just have *the stupidest* accidents you’ve ever seen in your life.

More torque and/or marginally shorter gear ratios should do it!

Modern F1, much like the Star Wars prequels should forever be taken to task for the day it went “You know what this exciting, well-loved franchise needs more of? Granular-level political bullshit.”

Surely there’s got to be a compromise. Keep racing exciting without putting people at risk. Like you said, the race itself was pretty boring up until all the tires started popping, I think Hamilton had a 30 second lead when his went.

Conventional wisdom says it makes sense to start off with an acoustic when you’re learning; it’s a little tougher than electric but it builds up finger strength and good technique. Even professional electric guitar players (Keith Richards has definitely said on at least one occasion) go back to playing acoustic

Conventional wisdom says it makes sense to start off with an acoustic when you’re learning; it’s a little tougher

Does this mean the first half of the F1 2020 video game will involve you playing as a driver playing the F1 2019 video game?

Here’s a crazy idea: