
They aren’t dumping him for what he did, they’re dumping him because the world found out what they already knew. Remember that.

Great news! I can get back to work on my adaptation of this.

Yup. Dude is a superb journalist in training- yes, do to connections, but also something in him was broken with the family dynamic and there is something propelling him to do these amazing, horrifying stories.

All this review does is make me miss Scenic Routes again.

In before someone comes to Allen’s defense.

When can make a statement like that and everyone knows it’s true, you know we’re in a bad way. I’d say “at the bottom.” but as stated by @A Classy Thomas Newman score in the “Trump Day-Care” article’s comment section, “there is no bottom. We’re just going to keep plunging into the abyss.”

While thinking the same thing, I would have finished the statement with - “as far as anyone knows,” but yeah.

No matter when you tell the truth it is a brave act and more people need to do more to support victims. Brave you are speaking out now and sharing your experience. I’m sure it helps people.

This guy, and this type of stuff is legion. It’s everywhere. People need to speak up. I spoke up years later, and I was treated to what Ashley Judd got. “Why did you wait so long?”

Fair enough, but I thought the orangutans were getting a raw deal with the comparisons recently.

agreed, but pls don’t besmirch doritos like that, thx

We all know the Joker is the bad guy. But what this comic presupposes is....maybe he isn’t?

I would be surprised, just...not as surprised as I should be.

Donald Trump is not a cannibal. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a cannibal, but he is NOT a porn star!

That does fit better. And two scoops of ice cream for dessert.

One thing is sure, if he’s a cannibal, the guys he had dinner with will never admit it. Even the reputation of cannibals would be negatively affected by their association with Trump.

He might not *totally* be a cannibal, but stating uncategorically that “Donald Trump is not a cannibal” does seem a little...overconfident. For accuracy I would have preferred “To the best of our knowledge, Donald Trump is not a cannibal.” 

Let’s not kid ourselves, here. If you deep-fried a person in Colonel Sander’s “eleven herbs and spices” (i.e. salt, pepper, and monosodium glutamate), he’d be sorely tempted to take a bite. If you told him his name would be spoken of for thousands of years, he’d eat ten people.

I was thinking the same. I mean, after everything else, would anybody be the least bit surprised?