
I’m not gonna defend this guy, because I don’t know a damn thing about him or anything he has done.

Maybe they’ll fucking poison it so we can stop hearing about it.

I think Hunt for Red October is also great.

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God this looks so bad and generic. The only great adaptions of the Clancy novel/universe were the Ford ones (Sum of All Fears is pretty good too).

Thanks for pointing this out. The article’s been updated with a correction. I apologize for the mistake.

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It’s weird that this article doesn’t mention the fact that Seinfeld reversed his position during his Colbert appearance. After the segment posted in the article, the show went to a commercial and then came back. Seinfeld said that he had thought about it over the break and realized that “I can’t separate it either.”

Just watched the original with Naomi Rapace and I’ve been reluctant to watch the remake because I can’t imagine anybody but her playing the role now.

Yemeni kids are getting lots of exposure to the aerospace industry right now!

How does the line go... “I’m just like Oskar Schindler, we both made shells for the Nazis, only mine worked, dammit!”

Yup. Look, are you a repliCAN or a repliCANT?

It’s the same industrial style he’s been doing since the turn of the century. It’s good.

I’ve been a few times and can say each time was a great experience ending with a quality cut. The one star is for my last visit and judging by the other negative reviews I’ve read, for the very same reason...or should that be barber. The dude that flicks his hair around constantly, calls himself if I’m not mistaken

Really looking forward to the new Gary Numan album, his last few albums have been amazing and he’s a live powerhouse, especially given he’s getting on in years.

...33 rifles and other firearms the shooter was legally able to purchase over the course of just 11 months.

Wedding after wedding after wedding.

The fuck does this even mean?


Anybody else a little tired of art about how shallow everyone in LA is, and how hard it is to live there?

A Hugh Hefner biopic, directed by Brett Ratner, starring Jared Leto? Add a script by Akiva Goldsman and you’ve managed to make a movie that goes down in history as the least appealing movie pitch ever.

Thanks for this, Katie. I appreciated your eyewitness account of the Ed Wood brouhaha and I appreciate this.